38the floor at the Detroit Marriott in the Ren Cen. (Detroit River and Windsor)
I had a good night overall. We checked in, had sex, cleaned up and went to dinner at Coach Insignia which is the nicest restaurant I have been to. My gf had Lamb and I had shrimp and this Lobster Corn dog with a fantastic sauce. We shared a fantastic bottle of wine (first drink in nearly 11 months). I didn't get drunk but enjoyed 2 glasses of very expensive wine. Total bill with tip $385.36. If you want to impress your woman, man, mother, father, etc. and live in MI. I would recommend Coach Insignia, located at the top floor of the Ren Cen. (yes the elevator ride made my hands sweat up a storm).
Red Wings played horrible and some drunk asshole got a little to loud, called me a homo when leaving, then his buddy who is shorter than my gf (5"3) decides he is 6"6 and 300lbs and really tough is like I'm gonna hurt you, your all talk buddy, so we are like 20 feet from outside and I'm like we will see who the pussy is in a minute, he of course walks fast when outside so I mock him, heres where shit gets wild as fuck, his ugly wife comes over and is like consider yourself lucky my husband doesn't want to fight you, I laugh and say "no, your the lucky one, lucky I don't fucking slap you, you ditty cunt, my gf who is 5"3 and maybe 110lbs shoves this 40 year old white trash lady hard as fuck and she fucking cracks her head open on the cement and can't get up on her own (this fat lady is easily 220lbs) so her husband that was Mr. Tough Guy 2 minutes ago inside is forced to walk back into the jungle, he walks fast and shoves me I took a few steps back and punched him in the jaw (the chin) while his buddy who is easily about 6"5 and was shoving little kids (I understand that leaving a game there is a crowd and people are bumping each other but he was basically just walking and moving little kids, the whole thing started when he pushed my gf from behind). stood there in silence after calling me a homo, I talked a bunch more shit until a nigger security officer arrived and I told them "it's crazy this drunk couple just fell on the ice while laughing and walking away, the guy I punched fell, got up all weird and fell into a guardrail then was attempting to help lift the Cow he calls his wife. People actually patted me on the back after I hit that guy because he was so rude to the large crowd we exited with. Although these new fans of mine are cowards in my eyes for not saying or doing anything I enjoyed it. I was sober, I had two half glasses of wine about 7 hours earlier in the night and nothing else to drink. No arrests or anything which is the main reason I didn't continue hitting the guy, I could have easily worked him for several minutes leaving him a bloody mess, I think the embarrassment of falling several times trying to pick up his fat wife was even more embarrassing. My gf. is just this tiny Asian girl that is very polite however her Cousin Ronald is a 6th degree black belt and got her interested in it and she is a second degree black belt so she can hold her own. That fat skanks legs just went flying up while her husband looked on in horror, I give him a small amount of credit for shoving me despite being too much of a pussy to do it before hand.
It was kinda funny because people were talking quietly about us and giving us the awkward stare and then turning away. A guy about 40 or so told me on the people mover how bad he wanted to hit the guy but obv. couldn't do much with his two younger boys who were probably about 7 and 10 and how people like that deserve it etc. whom this asshole and his tall buddy and fat wives were shoving (his one boy got elbowed quite hard in the cheek). My favorite part was his little kid shadow boxing on the people mover. The fat bitch that my gf shoved had about a 3inch cut and was bleeding everywhere (very icy out last night downtown plus fat people fall hard). Hopefully she needs stitches and doesn't have medical coverage so they can pay a lot of money for it.
All in all a great night. Luckily we moved quickly afterwards to avoid any trouble with security. Stupid to stand around after you hit someone and we quickly left. For once my hand is in perfect shape (probably because I only punched him once instead of previous fights where I continue to punch people until they are a bloody mess and my hand is covered with blood.
I hope my readers enjoyed Christmas and had a safe Happy New Year.
I'm personally exited for 2008 and have some large but modest goals in every aspect of my life. I wish you all the best and have a healthy and prosperous 2008
1 comment:
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
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