I went to my Cousins new place up north, by up north I mean in the U.P. basically bordering Wisconsin and Canada. We took out the new snowmobiles which resulted in poor decision making. I hit a top speed of 93 MPH which felt like 170 MPH (felt faster). After you hit about 60 MPH you feel like the snowmobile is hydroplaning. When we reached the other side of the Lake I got off the snowmobile, knelt down, kissed the ice and said I would never do something so foolish again. I'm no a big snowmobile buff so pardon my ignorance for not knowing the exact specifications of the snowmobiles. I have driven snowmobiles multiple times but never this fast, 40 MPH was probably the fastest I have ever gone prior to this escapade. Perhaps if you're naive you would assume 93 MPH is not fast because you have driven that fast in a car or a motorcycle, I challenge you to drive 93 MPH on a snowmobile and not shit or piss yourself ( I did neither). I know many people that go "up north" which generally consists of driving 2.5-3 hours away from the Suburbs. I would estimate the drive was about 11 hours. What an adrenaline rush it was going so fast but also how stupid I am for doing something like that. I have learned my lesson with tempting the spirits. I guess the snowmobile is suppose to top out at 102 MPH, I have no curiosity to find out.
Tiger Fest was Meh. For those of you that have never attended I will try to simplify. You pick a line to wait in (8 different locations around the park), the players autographing switch every 55 minutes, you could be in line for Ivan Rodriguez and then when his time is up fucking Dan Peatry takes over (we obv. left the line). While in line to get our picture taken with a Tiger in the locker room Miguel Cabrera walked by. I was simply shocked at how small he is. Everyone says he needs to lose weight (perhaps he has). He just doesn't look like a power hitter. Ladies if you want to Jersey chase I would advise him. The man is very good looking. Put on your slutty little outfits, get an attitude like you're hot, apply make up to hide multiple flaws, hope in your 98 Sunfire (pretending it's a 328 BMW obv.) and go hunt him down in Birmingham at a swanky club. Nate Robinson was doing pictures when we were in line and I was actually happy about it (he seems like a very nice guy), then Justin Verlander replaced him (see above Pic), who was also very nice.
In short from the little time I saw them:
Ivan "Pudge" Rodriguez = Dick (wasn't making small talk with little kids while signing balls, paused long amounts of time between signing to eat fruit) I personally feel he is washed up and his stats in 07 prove it.
Miguel Cabrera = nice and seemd like a happy person.
Nate Robinson = nice, shook everyones hand before pictures, good with little kids.
Justin Verlander = nice, shook everyones hand before pictures, good with little kids, nice to talk to, just wished him luck in 2008 and congrats on the no hitter in 07. He's my favorite player for the Tigers so that was nice that he wasn't a douche. (sorry ladies you can't jersey chase with Justin, his gf was there and is gorgeous, the flaws 97% of women have she doesn't, I mean this girl is smoking hot).
Sadly I look quite overweight in the picture because I am. After a year of strict dieting for my acne medicine I have been eating any and everything unhealthy in sight. I was shocked to weigh myself on Wed. and see 216.5 staring back at me. I want to get down to about 190. I sit all day working, don't work out, smoke, eat bad, drink a lot of pop. My face looks good though. I just plan to walk or jog a few days a week downstairs. I don't plan to go crazy with the exercise and dieting because I'm quite happy eating bad but could use it to get some energy back.
I need a new chair for my computer so if anyone has one they like for say under $500 drop me a line.
Supernova Elite and if I'm attempting a run at it? Right now I don't think it would be possible. I vow to not play LHE so that means FPP's will not add up as fast playing NLHE unless I 20 table full ring for 7hrs a day. For those unfamiliar Supernova Elite is very hard to achieve (only 89 players made it in 2007). It equates to about $83,000 in bonuses, a paid buyin for a $10,000 buy in tournament, entry into the WCOOP $2,600. Basically you get up $100,000 for achieving it in bonuses. It requires long hours and playing at least 12 tables during those long hours. I'm going to watch Dautt's video on 21 tabling via CR to see how difficult it would be, keep in mind 21 tabling means you are sitting at 21 tables and basically have a decision to make every 1.5 seconds.
I need a swig of Pepto because my dinner is not sitting well and I feel nauseated.
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