I once believed in the Republican Party. I have and will always have a tremendous amount of respect for Richard Nixon. In my eyes Nixon was the best Republican President ever. Nixon had the balls to finally (of course not an exact quote) say fuck this Vietnam War, I'm ending it. I had high hopes for Bush the past four years but he shit the bed on numerous occasions.
Although I don't agree with all of Obamas policies, I tend to agree with most of them. My main complaint about Democrats in general is the money that goes to Welfare and the rules that allow trashy people to milk the system and our tax money. Mainly though, I want job security for myself. Joe Biden is perfect for this cause based on his past voting history regarding gambling.
Daily I see myself losing more and more belief in Christianity. I disagree with their political beliefs and find the majority of them to be at least somewhat racist. The crowd in Chicago was inspiring. I have never seen that many white and black people in one place supporting the same cause. I'm truly optimistic for the future.
I awoke yesterday and didn't want to drive to my previous area (Clinton Twp) to vote (not registered to vote in my new city, Bloomfield Hills). I told myself that maybe other people are looking at the polls and going to hold off on voting, so I made the drive and voted.
Although many have lost jobs, homes, etc. during the Bush Administration I have done well for myself by working hard. I guess in some ways I'm glad Bush fucked shit up because I bought my house way undervalue. I expect in 10 years it will be worth more than $425,000.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I'm voting for Obama
I'm switching over to voting for a Dem this time around. McCain cannot even use a computer on his own which shows me how out of touch with modern life he really is. I dislike Palin because shes a Christian conservative with a knocked up daughter and a husband with a D.U.I., furthermore shes under an ethics investigation for having a person fired because he broke up with her sister. I was once a proud Republican but I can no longer support anything Republican. Palin is going to agree gambling is wrong but whatever with her families "dirt".
The downside if Obama gets elected is I pay much more in taxes but if he doesn't get elected I might not have a job (online gambling) to pay taxes on. It makes me physically sick to my stomach to think the Government has nothing more important (war, recession, job loss, social security, mexico- US border, etc) to think about than poker. I'm not proud of this country in the least. I would never be so foolish to hang an American flag on my home or vehicle. The abuse of power and coruption is so fucking disturbing. We live in the "home of the free" what a joke that line is.
GO OBAMA, one fucking time
The downside if Obama gets elected is I pay much more in taxes but if he doesn't get elected I might not have a job (online gambling) to pay taxes on. It makes me physically sick to my stomach to think the Government has nothing more important (war, recession, job loss, social security, mexico- US border, etc) to think about than poker. I'm not proud of this country in the least. I would never be so foolish to hang an American flag on my home or vehicle. The abuse of power and coruption is so fucking disturbing. We live in the "home of the free" what a joke that line is.
GO OBAMA, one fucking time
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Proud of myself
I just emailed my Senators about online poker, the stupid laws in congress, there poor voting on these laws (they are Democrats which is surprising how they vote). As much as it would pain me to actually go and vote for Obama I just might have to. I think he is unqualified, Muslim, and will give to many advantages to the poorest of citizens (non working minorities) which pisses me off. I'm a proud Republican but I'm sick of Bush. Although I'm sick of Democrats blaming there poor performance on him (I.E. Jennifer Granholm). I will make it the most important thing to do the day she runs for office to vote against her. I will vote for whomever runs against her (even if it's a green alien). Ron Paul would have been awesome for everyone. Instead my choices are a computer illiterate, easy swayed Republican and a Minority Democrat that is Muslim. Whoever the PPA advises to vote for then I will vote for. Making online poker legal is the only issue I should concern myself with this fall.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Poker has been going ok. I bought a few business books because I'm toying around with the idea of starting an online business through Ebay. Everyone seems so sell everything on Ebay so I figure I can unload some stuff I have around the house. Perhaps It will lead to powerselling and perhaps I will just make a few k selling things that are now useless to me. Be pretty cool if my gf and I could powersell and make like 40k a year on it working part time but my hopes are low. The books I bought have great reviews.
I also bought The Poker Mindset, Essential attitudes for poker success. It talks about the mind and how it reacts to swings, bad beats, winning, and basically playing well and realizing your bad play.
I've been browsing boats that are for sale with no success. I'm looking for a 27ft Sportcraft with low hours. I would of course love to go and drop 300k on the 31ft Tiara but it's not even close to an option. I would be very happy with the Sportcraft, it's a great fishing boat that is long and wide and can easily troll 10+ rods on it. Perhaps in a year or so I can buy a close to new one. For the readers that know nothing about boating, boats are expensive. A new boat typically costs (for what were looking for) 100-300k. So a gently used 27ft Sportcraft would be the nuts.
I also bought The Poker Mindset, Essential attitudes for poker success. It talks about the mind and how it reacts to swings, bad beats, winning, and basically playing well and realizing your bad play.
I've been browsing boats that are for sale with no success. I'm looking for a 27ft Sportcraft with low hours. I would of course love to go and drop 300k on the 31ft Tiara but it's not even close to an option. I would be very happy with the Sportcraft, it's a great fishing boat that is long and wide and can easily troll 10+ rods on it. Perhaps in a year or so I can buy a close to new one. For the readers that know nothing about boating, boats are expensive. A new boat typically costs (for what were looking for) 100-300k. So a gently used 27ft Sportcraft would be the nuts.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
I arrived back in MI early Monday morning. I spent 2 weeks in San Jose with trips to Carmel, Pebble Beach (played 3 rounds of Golf at the nicest course in the world), San Fran for a few days, and finally ended in Palo Alto with my gf. It's crazy on the 5th of Aug. it will be 11 months since I asked her to be my gf.
I've been playing some high stakes Omaha 8 with decent results. It's really hard to find awesome games and usually I'm playing against very good players. I've had a few idiots mixed in so thats always nice. I'm already considering running for Supernova elite next year which is just a very sick challenge on Stars.
Thinking of unlinking this blog from my other one. I made my move others clearly made theres so why should I allow them the pleasure of reading about me?
I've been playing some high stakes Omaha 8 with decent results. It's really hard to find awesome games and usually I'm playing against very good players. I've had a few idiots mixed in so thats always nice. I'm already considering running for Supernova elite next year which is just a very sick challenge on Stars.
Thinking of unlinking this blog from my other one. I made my move others clearly made theres so why should I allow them the pleasure of reading about me?
Monday, July 7, 2008
I just suck at everything (feeling sorry for myself)
I've been on about a 50,000 hand losing streak which is making me want to rip my hair out. Some is running bad but I've played poorly at times. I busted my Full Tilt account and reloaded and played some today and lost 5 buy ins in 38 minutes which is just insane.
I've been putting a tun of effort into musky fishing this year. I awoke at 5:45 am (feel asleep at 2:30am) and headed down to launch in the Detroit River. We trolled basically from the mouth of the river to the Puce River in Canada for 5 hours, used at least 60 different colors, shapes, styles, models, etc of lures. I estimated that a low ball price for the tackle I bring is $5,000 ($20 a lure which is modest and many of them cost $35+). We ended up skunked yet again. I've had no luck on my side at all this season with the musky.
Monday, June 30, 2008
June sucked
I'm down a lot for June mostly from running horrible. I've also lost a fair share of bets.
I replenished my online accounts and will begin playing tomorrow July 1st. June sucked big time and was my first losing month in over a year. Not only was it a losing month but a big losing month.
Life is calming down some for a few weeks. I've been super busy with planning shit, going to different parties for different things, reserving things, all that shit. I leave for California on July 18th and come back the 30th of July. Sadly we need to plan the trip and shit we will do there yet.
The past 2 weeks I have ran horrible in every aspect of my life: I really forger the order but heres the negative shit, with really no positives happening at all.
1. Trolling motor problems on lake (resulted in getting in water and geese shit for 45 minutes and then nigger rigging something up to fix the problem with the BRAND NEW MOTOR).
2. My fucking keyboard started to fuck up again while typing this (honestly)
3. Worst sunburn ever resulting in 3 day fever.
4. 12 straight losing days of poker.
IDK everything was just shit this month.
Here's to a much more lucrative July.
I replenished my online accounts and will begin playing tomorrow July 1st. June sucked big time and was my first losing month in over a year. Not only was it a losing month but a big losing month.
Life is calming down some for a few weeks. I've been super busy with planning shit, going to different parties for different things, reserving things, all that shit. I leave for California on July 18th and come back the 30th of July. Sadly we need to plan the trip and shit we will do there yet.
The past 2 weeks I have ran horrible in every aspect of my life: I really forger the order but heres the negative shit, with really no positives happening at all.
1. Trolling motor problems on lake (resulted in getting in water and geese shit for 45 minutes and then nigger rigging something up to fix the problem with the BRAND NEW MOTOR).
2. My fucking keyboard started to fuck up again while typing this (honestly)
3. Worst sunburn ever resulting in 3 day fever.
4. 12 straight losing days of poker.
IDK everything was just shit this month.
Here's to a much more lucrative July.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The pictures might suck but a 2" piece just fucking snapped
Other pic is the new 4wheeler.
I guess running bad at poker and life means I run bad at fishing. We make the 30 minute drive to deep Anchor Bay when the trolling motor is bouncing like crazy, we lost a bar the prevents it from moving. We drive all the way back looking for it (very expensive), this is all on land btw, we decide to head back and just eat the loss when all of a sudden the fucking motor flat out falls off the back of the boat, luckily a safety strap is the only thing saving it from hitting the pavement. We load it in the boat and head back home. We decide to go fishing anyways with just the big motor (uses more gas than the trolling motor).
First muskie cast of the year results in the new crazy expensive cajun line snapping and I lose a $35 lure and have a birds nest of line wrapped up in my Shimano Calcuta reel (was $300 when I bought it). Baitcasting rods are a little difficult and take some getting used to so my dad starts ragging on me and the same thing happens to him and he loses a lure that is pretty much priceless as they don't make them anymore.
6 Hours of Musky trolling and no fish
-2 lures lost
- a motor bracket
-thankfully the $2,000 trolling motor is ok
-I look puerto rican I'm so tan from the sun today
I laugh when bass fisherman cry over losing a Rapala ($5-6) try losing $35 lures. BTW I've been pining over that lure and itching to cast it and the first cock sucking cast I lose it. I'm planning about a $500 order from muskieinnovations.com (these lures are plastic and generally only last for one to three fish anyways).
Running bad at poker and life. House will wait until January once tax season is over. Thankfully I will write a massive check to the government to help illegal immigrants, this fucking mess of a war, and that stupid nigger Kwame afford luxury SUV's.
I wouldn't want to write a $1 check much less what I will have to in Jan.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Bose must just love me
I threw my top of the line headphones yet again and need to shoot up to the store to buy a new pair (my 4th). It's pretty sick to think that I have spent almost $1,000 on headphones. The final straw was my poor play of top two vs the nut straight on the flop. Now I must regain control of my emotions, get happy and relax. I have made it a point that after I tilt I don't talk to anyone for at least 30 minutes because I'm mad. Every month I have one day where things just go completely wrong for me between running bad and then I make it worse by playing bad. Although, I somehow only lost 3 buy ins today. The sheer volume I play makes up for these days but it still pisses me off.
I was considering taking the boat and going fishing but they have been calling for rain all day and it smells and looks like it will pour any second so I said fuck it and played some poker. Of course the rain still hasn't came so it looks like I picked the wrong option. Although fishing has been going very poorly for me since ice out. After ice out I usually don't fish much until Musky season opens (first Saturday in June). I want to get good at fishing the rivers but it has gone very very rough so far with boat control being the number one problem with the current. A simple solution would be to go out with my cousin who is a very good Walleye fisherman and has fished the rivers for 25 years. I'm thick headed though and try to do everything on my own which is stressful. My confidence going into Musky season is at an all time low. My goal is still to boat 50 Muskies this season. By boat I mean when I fish with my Dad, gf, or by myself I want a total of 50 Muskies to be caught be anyone I'm with including myself by the end of the season. This is a huge goal of mine. Big time Muskie fisherman might boat 100-150 a year fishing more rods and a much bigger boat and have access of the whole lake at any time.
I also want to catch the 30lb+ monster that has avoided me my whole life. Catching a Muskie this size is not uncommon in Lake St. Clair. Muskies as large as 43lbs have been caught in recent years. About 10 years ago just as it started to pour on us my rod took off like a bat out of hell. I clearly felt the fish on the rod and within about 3 minutes of fighting it get off. I casted and threw my lure in the area for 30 more minutes without getting it or anything else. In my eyes I had a 30 some pound fish on for a few minutes.
I was considering taking the boat and going fishing but they have been calling for rain all day and it smells and looks like it will pour any second so I said fuck it and played some poker. Of course the rain still hasn't came so it looks like I picked the wrong option. Although fishing has been going very poorly for me since ice out. After ice out I usually don't fish much until Musky season opens (first Saturday in June). I want to get good at fishing the rivers but it has gone very very rough so far with boat control being the number one problem with the current. A simple solution would be to go out with my cousin who is a very good Walleye fisherman and has fished the rivers for 25 years. I'm thick headed though and try to do everything on my own which is stressful. My confidence going into Musky season is at an all time low. My goal is still to boat 50 Muskies this season. By boat I mean when I fish with my Dad, gf, or by myself I want a total of 50 Muskies to be caught be anyone I'm with including myself by the end of the season. This is a huge goal of mine. Big time Muskie fisherman might boat 100-150 a year fishing more rods and a much bigger boat and have access of the whole lake at any time.
I also want to catch the 30lb+ monster that has avoided me my whole life. Catching a Muskie this size is not uncommon in Lake St. Clair. Muskies as large as 43lbs have been caught in recent years. About 10 years ago just as it started to pour on us my rod took off like a bat out of hell. I clearly felt the fish on the rod and within about 3 minutes of fighting it get off. I casted and threw my lure in the area for 30 more minutes without getting it or anything else. In my eyes I had a 30 some pound fish on for a few minutes.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Who me? I'm a chemical biologist
A basic conversation with someone usually ends up turning to what that persons occupation is. I have told people from all over different jobs, some serious and some as obscure as my mind could imagine. Sometimes I tell people what I do and sometimes I say I fish Lake St. Clair for Atlantic Salmon (which don't exist), sometimes I say I'm a Supervisor of mentally retarded people (retarded people meaning horrible players). I recently busted out the I'm a chemical biologist. These days I just tell people what I really do and most say wow I didn't know people could do that for a living, what's the most you won in a day, what's the most you ever lost in a day. I typically dislike answering these questions. I find them rude.
Today I went to the Dentist and sadly have a new lady clean my teeth, shes young probably under 25 so she asked what I do for a living. I looked like shit (3 hours of sleep last night). Make a long story short I was hit with the whats the most you made in a day question. I often say quite a bit or something without getting into numbers. She says like $500, I respond with no a lot more, then I get the whats the most you lost in a day, I simply responded with I've made enough in a day to feel like I can walk on water and lost enough in a day to make me want to jump off a bridge into the water. People generally understand at that point that I don't play penny stakes like some friend of theres. Shes a nice young girl and all but sometimes questions piss me off.
How could I ever forget the most popular question: Are you on TV? Sometimes I just politely say no I play different games, sometimes I assume these people can think and tell them the differences between cash games and tournaments. Rewind to two weeks ago I go to the bank with a modest $3,000 check to deposit, the check says a financial company in Henderson, NV. The teller asks if this is my payroll check and I said no, she asked if it's investment money and I said no, she then asks what this check is from and I said I play online poker for a living. WOW did this ever amaze about 4 tellers, customers were being ignored while poker talk ensued.
On a final poker note I should state I traded in huge swings for more mentally manageable stakes and games and good and steady profit.
Now onto buying a house:
Turns out my gf and I are going to see what we can do to buy a house this Summer. We both kinda feel now is a good time mentally, financially, etc. I tossed and turned for 4 hours last night with my mind racing about house prices, down payments, first time buyer incentives, etc. My mind literally was running a marathon. Were gonna kinda see what we can get approved for without going to get approved if that makes any sense. She has a friend of a friend thats a real estate agent and I have a few contacts also. At times I feel like a financial failure because despite making good income my income is often considered horrible because it's "gambling". People don't want to loan money to a "gambler" for a house, car or whatever else one would finance. It's like my money isn't green to these people. At times I feel like people think I robbed some girl scouts that were selling cookies the way they look at me and my income. My last lease (current one the Commander) I was planning on putting down like $2,500 and having monthly payments and despite earing good enough money the guy was like you need someone to co-sign. I was simply shocked, pissed off I went to the bank, returned 20 minutes later and paid the whole fucking lease in cash. Of course I could have wrote a check but green paper looks better than a white check IMO.
Seeing as how fucked up the U.S. is I am concerned about that fucking idiot Obama making online poker illegal. What would I do if God forbid this happened? I have been thinking about this because it's important to have a back up plan. I guess I would go back to school (finish my Senior year of college) and try to get a job where my Dad works except higher up because I have school. I don't want to do this by any means but I know it's there for me if I should need it. My Dad loves me to death but it's kinda like in the show ax men or deadliest catch how it would go IMO. My father is very well respected in his trade and my Grandfather was also so I would of course feel the pressure to keep up the family name. Aside from heights and bees the only fear I have in life is not being successful. It might seem silly but I always strive for more. If I couldn't gain the respect of my fathers peers I would be heartbroken and disappointed in myself. Again, this is just an idea of a back up plan. I'm sure I would do well though because I work hard.
Moving to Canada would also be another option and continue playing poker. Probably just move like 15 minutes away from the border in either Sarnia or Windsor.
I hope I don't have to do or change anything.
A basic conversation with someone usually ends up turning to what that persons occupation is. I have told people from all over different jobs, some serious and some as obscure as my mind could imagine. Sometimes I tell people what I do and sometimes I say I fish Lake St. Clair for Atlantic Salmon (which don't exist), sometimes I say I'm a Supervisor of mentally retarded people (retarded people meaning horrible players). I recently busted out the I'm a chemical biologist. These days I just tell people what I really do and most say wow I didn't know people could do that for a living, what's the most you won in a day, what's the most you ever lost in a day. I typically dislike answering these questions. I find them rude.
Today I went to the Dentist and sadly have a new lady clean my teeth, shes young probably under 25 so she asked what I do for a living. I looked like shit (3 hours of sleep last night). Make a long story short I was hit with the whats the most you made in a day question. I often say quite a bit or something without getting into numbers. She says like $500, I respond with no a lot more, then I get the whats the most you lost in a day, I simply responded with I've made enough in a day to feel like I can walk on water and lost enough in a day to make me want to jump off a bridge into the water. People generally understand at that point that I don't play penny stakes like some friend of theres. Shes a nice young girl and all but sometimes questions piss me off.
How could I ever forget the most popular question: Are you on TV? Sometimes I just politely say no I play different games, sometimes I assume these people can think and tell them the differences between cash games and tournaments. Rewind to two weeks ago I go to the bank with a modest $3,000 check to deposit, the check says a financial company in Henderson, NV. The teller asks if this is my payroll check and I said no, she asked if it's investment money and I said no, she then asks what this check is from and I said I play online poker for a living. WOW did this ever amaze about 4 tellers, customers were being ignored while poker talk ensued.
On a final poker note I should state I traded in huge swings for more mentally manageable stakes and games and good and steady profit.
Now onto buying a house:
Turns out my gf and I are going to see what we can do to buy a house this Summer. We both kinda feel now is a good time mentally, financially, etc. I tossed and turned for 4 hours last night with my mind racing about house prices, down payments, first time buyer incentives, etc. My mind literally was running a marathon. Were gonna kinda see what we can get approved for without going to get approved if that makes any sense. She has a friend of a friend thats a real estate agent and I have a few contacts also. At times I feel like a financial failure because despite making good income my income is often considered horrible because it's "gambling". People don't want to loan money to a "gambler" for a house, car or whatever else one would finance. It's like my money isn't green to these people. At times I feel like people think I robbed some girl scouts that were selling cookies the way they look at me and my income. My last lease (current one the Commander) I was planning on putting down like $2,500 and having monthly payments and despite earing good enough money the guy was like you need someone to co-sign. I was simply shocked, pissed off I went to the bank, returned 20 minutes later and paid the whole fucking lease in cash. Of course I could have wrote a check but green paper looks better than a white check IMO.
Seeing as how fucked up the U.S. is I am concerned about that fucking idiot Obama making online poker illegal. What would I do if God forbid this happened? I have been thinking about this because it's important to have a back up plan. I guess I would go back to school (finish my Senior year of college) and try to get a job where my Dad works except higher up because I have school. I don't want to do this by any means but I know it's there for me if I should need it. My Dad loves me to death but it's kinda like in the show ax men or deadliest catch how it would go IMO. My father is very well respected in his trade and my Grandfather was also so I would of course feel the pressure to keep up the family name. Aside from heights and bees the only fear I have in life is not being successful. It might seem silly but I always strive for more. If I couldn't gain the respect of my fathers peers I would be heartbroken and disappointed in myself. Again, this is just an idea of a back up plan. I'm sure I would do well though because I work hard.
Moving to Canada would also be another option and continue playing poker. Probably just move like 15 minutes away from the border in either Sarnia or Windsor.
I hope I don't have to do or change anything.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
We have been looking at houses and trying to decide where to move to when the time is right (by this time next year at the latest). She works in Taylor, I live in Clinton Twp, she lives in Livonia so it's difficult to find something in the middle because in the middle means Redford, Inkster, Hamtramack, Oak Park, and other similar areas.
For as long back as I can remember I have been vocal about saying I want to live in Grosse Pointe. To me living in Grosse Pointe means success. To be 24 and living in a nice home in Grosse Pointe is a great accomplishment. Before I did some real estate research I wouldn't have thought it was possible to afford to live there. With the horrible Michigan economy there are some good deals everywhere on homes.
I found an awesome 3 bedroom, new air, furnance, floors, roof, 1800 square feet, 2 story, home in Grosse Pointe Park (by the looks of the house it was around Belfore, Maryland, Berkshire). I put myself, fishing, and what I want before her needs (her drive to Taylor). She needs to understand I don't want to live in Dearborn or Dearborn Heights or any other shit town.
To make a long story short the house I seen (although multiple good deals the above home) was appraised at $360,000 two years ago and is selling for FAR LESS. Basically in 10-12 years this home will be worth well over $425,000 and the real estate market will be bouncing back. The good news for us is we can wait a little while because I don't think the real estate market will be that much different in Jan or Feb of 2009.
We bought a new 4 wheeler that is a beast, 4x4, with a snow plow, awesome suspension and a much bigger engine that are current one (that we still have). It looks like the Jacuzzi will be here Saturday which I'm excited to soak in.
I can clearly understand the stress involved in house shopping. We got into a big argument about it (all made up now), and the sick part is we didn't really even accomplish anything so the stress of looking at houses will continue for at least 6 more months. And people wonder why I smoke like a chimney.
For as long back as I can remember I have been vocal about saying I want to live in Grosse Pointe. To me living in Grosse Pointe means success. To be 24 and living in a nice home in Grosse Pointe is a great accomplishment. Before I did some real estate research I wouldn't have thought it was possible to afford to live there. With the horrible Michigan economy there are some good deals everywhere on homes.
I found an awesome 3 bedroom, new air, furnance, floors, roof, 1800 square feet, 2 story, home in Grosse Pointe Park (by the looks of the house it was around Belfore, Maryland, Berkshire). I put myself, fishing, and what I want before her needs (her drive to Taylor). She needs to understand I don't want to live in Dearborn or Dearborn Heights or any other shit town.
To make a long story short the house I seen (although multiple good deals the above home) was appraised at $360,000 two years ago and is selling for FAR LESS. Basically in 10-12 years this home will be worth well over $425,000 and the real estate market will be bouncing back. The good news for us is we can wait a little while because I don't think the real estate market will be that much different in Jan or Feb of 2009.
We bought a new 4 wheeler that is a beast, 4x4, with a snow plow, awesome suspension and a much bigger engine that are current one (that we still have). It looks like the Jacuzzi will be here Saturday which I'm excited to soak in.
I can clearly understand the stress involved in house shopping. We got into a big argument about it (all made up now), and the sick part is we didn't really even accomplish anything so the stress of looking at houses will continue for at least 6 more months. And people wonder why I smoke like a chimney.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
I'm running horrible right now and am getting quite bummed. I seem to start off every session -2 buyins within about 15 minutes and win some back and end down a few buyins. I actually had to reload my account which was a complete pain in the ass. I'm not bust and have never went bust. I don't keep nearly as much money online as some players do.
Celeb. death pool is going awesome for me. Prince Phillip was hospitalized with a chest infection. Rapper Lil Wayne looks like a zombie from blow and syrup. Charleston Heston died recently. I also have former President Bill Clinton, actor Owen Wilson, Queen Elizabeth, and TV outdoor show guy Bear Gryles (sp). This is one hell of a draft by me. All of these people have a great chance of dying.
Celeb. death pool is going awesome for me. Prince Phillip was hospitalized with a chest infection. Rapper Lil Wayne looks like a zombie from blow and syrup. Charleston Heston died recently. I also have former President Bill Clinton, actor Owen Wilson, Queen Elizabeth, and TV outdoor show guy Bear Gryles (sp). This is one hell of a draft by me. All of these people have a great chance of dying.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Defending his ground
I'm contemplating ending my blog due to recent security threats. I'm in the process of changing my FTP player ID due to attempts to hack my account. Over 1,000 attempts to break my password failed. I personally receive satisfaction from writing in my blog. I post pictures that are important, funny, etc. I also use this blog as a form of a journal which will be entertaining to look back on in 25 years. 12,158 people read me calling out the world in my last update. I may have made a stupid decision outing people but I found it necessary at the time. I'm unsure if the security threat and my blog are correlated at all. I like people that I used to hang with watch me back up my words and dreams. I'm looking forward to a couple days off from poker while I change account information. I vow to dominate the games upon my return. I vow to crush the games, remain in emotional control, and to climb the ladder higher towards my ultimate goal. This I promise you. I have never broke a promise in my life. I don't promise anything I can't do and dominating a poker game is something I can, have, and will do continue to do. I promise to play my best and log more hours. This I vow to the world.
In my personal life I feel it's important to share an update. My relationship continues to be fantastic. We celebrated our 6 month anniversary on March 5th. I said this a few months ago and still believe it to be true, this is the girl I will spend the rest of my life with. Earlier today I was reading through some old posts I made on this blog about girls I was dating, fucking, etc. It's amazing how I never cared for any of them. I guess I treated them poorly. I have never been in love before, never told a girl I love her. I'm in uncharted waters right now and I'm enjoying the experience. Were planning on buying a house together soon but not too soon. I would say beginning of next year but who knows. She loves me for me which I have never felt before. She wants to spend every minute with me (in a good way) and vice versa. I've never been ashamed of myself but I'm a different person these days, in a maturing type of way.
In my personal life I feel it's important to share an update. My relationship continues to be fantastic. We celebrated our 6 month anniversary on March 5th. I said this a few months ago and still believe it to be true, this is the girl I will spend the rest of my life with. Earlier today I was reading through some old posts I made on this blog about girls I was dating, fucking, etc. It's amazing how I never cared for any of them. I guess I treated them poorly. I have never been in love before, never told a girl I love her. I'm in uncharted waters right now and I'm enjoying the experience. Were planning on buying a house together soon but not too soon. I would say beginning of next year but who knows. She loves me for me which I have never felt before. She wants to spend every minute with me (in a good way) and vice versa. I've never been ashamed of myself but I'm a different person these days, in a maturing type of way.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Airing them the fuck out
If you think I suck at poker and talk shit while playing 6max and want to play hu don't back out. My simple request is that easy to follow. Today 3 people backed out of my challenge after they issued it. I offered to play 6 tables hu and higher stakes or the same stakes as the ring game we were in. They all backed out after talking shit. It's like in real life the toughest people are the ones you have never seen throw a punch. They run away from any conflict with their tail tucked up their ass. They have no fucking guts but yet always say how tough they are. I don't fucking hang out with those pussies in real life and I talk shit to them at the poker table and watch them make excuse after fucking excuse. I'm like the fucking Game cause I'm gonna start airing the fucking shit out of some poker players. You can call me the Drama King. I just truly don't give a fuck if it tarnishes my image or not anymore.
Players that are pussies and scared to play me:
Awful Luck
Goddess (something or another)
Players that are pussies and scared to play me:
Awful Luck
Goddess (something or another)
Who's the best poker player?
The topic is often debated who is the best poker players online. I think it's only fair to break it up by games they play. Some only specialize is one game and are very dominant in that form.
No limit holdem:
Real name: Di Dang, Screen name: Urindanger
Tom Dwan, Durrrr
Cole South, Muckemsayuhh, cts87
Patrik Antonius, Finddagrind, Allthewomen, PatrikAntonius
Brain Hastings, LucLongley
Brian Townsend, aba20, sbrugby
Phil Galfond, OMGClayAiken
Limit Hold em:
Matt Hawrilenko, Hoss_tbf
Patrik Antonius, Finddagrind, Allthewomen, PatrikAntonius
Bryce Paradis, Freedom25
Dustin Woolf, Neverwin, EastSideSlim, (only when he plays sober and is off hard drugs)
Joe Cassidy, ButchCassidy, not sure of his ft sn at the moment, I know it but can't think of it.
Pot Limit Omaha
Illari Sahamies, Ziggmund
Patrik Antonius, Finddagrind, Allthwomen, PatrikAntonius
Cole South, Muckemsayuhh, cts87
Phil Ivey, Phil Ivey
Brian Hastings, LucLongley
Tom Dwan, Durrrr
You can flip flop the players around somewhat but Ziggmund is the best Pot limit omaha player in the world and Matt Hoss_tbf dominates limit hold em to the point that people will not play him, he will wait hours for someone to sit with him at 1k/2k if at all.
No limit holdem:
Real name: Di Dang, Screen name: Urindanger
Tom Dwan, Durrrr
Cole South, Muckemsayuhh, cts87
Patrik Antonius, Finddagrind, Allthewomen, PatrikAntonius
Brain Hastings, LucLongley
Brian Townsend, aba20, sbrugby
Phil Galfond, OMGClayAiken
Limit Hold em:
Matt Hawrilenko, Hoss_tbf
Patrik Antonius, Finddagrind, Allthewomen, PatrikAntonius
Bryce Paradis, Freedom25
Dustin Woolf, Neverwin, EastSideSlim, (only when he plays sober and is off hard drugs)
Joe Cassidy, ButchCassidy, not sure of his ft sn at the moment, I know it but can't think of it.
Pot Limit Omaha
Illari Sahamies, Ziggmund
Patrik Antonius, Finddagrind, Allthwomen, PatrikAntonius
Cole South, Muckemsayuhh, cts87
Phil Ivey, Phil Ivey
Brian Hastings, LucLongley
Tom Dwan, Durrrr
You can flip flop the players around somewhat but Ziggmund is the best Pot limit omaha player in the world and Matt Hoss_tbf dominates limit hold em to the point that people will not play him, he will wait hours for someone to sit with him at 1k/2k if at all.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
What an interesting time it's been. Between watching hatred for whitey America by both Obama and Kwame. I'm curious how many people I used to hang out with that are liberals yet dislike blacks will be voting for Obama, I would guess many.
As you all know I think any white woman that sleeps with a black man is scum so heres an interesting story. I was at McDonalds and I ordered a Sausage McMuffin with no chesse, of course it comes with cheese, trashy fat white woman that talks black says I ordered it with cheese, I hand her my receipt and it says without cheese, she again says I ordered it wit cheese despite the receipt proving my point, she makes a new one and it has cheese on it again, wtf? I then step by step walk her how to combine a bun then sausage then egg followed by a second bun to form the complicated sandwich.
I did a ton of ice fishing since my last update with some good results. I also started playing Pot limit Omaha and was doing fantastic, then horrible, now breakeven, wtf again? I'm new to the game but find it very irritating so far. March has been a bad month money wise due to lack of playing, running like shit, etc. Searching for any excuse I can. My keyboard crapped out on me so I had to buy a new one. The ice is pretty much done for with the warmer temps, rain, and wind.
March Madness starts tom. so I'm happy about that. My final four is Tennessee, Memphis, Duke, and Georgetown. I gambled a little bit with my picks but I have Tennessee winning against Memphis in the rematch 78-71. What fun is a bracket without a little bit of gamble although Tennessee is a 2 so it's not like I'm picking Georgia to win it.
Remember white America to vote or die. Vote for a black man who has a minister that hates whitey. I stick to my kind as you should. Fuck voting for a black man, fuck ministers that are stupid niggers, and fuck white people that love black America. Fuck liberal pussies as well. I'm loving my tax break from George W. You probably didn't get as nice of one since you earn far less per year.
Go onto youtube and search for "my pathetic ex boyfriend" this kid is a work of art. He starts out with a crying speech, switches to a stupid song, bursts into Freak me and performs a horrible strip tease while his white Georgia girl has 3 exposed black cocks in her. White girls loving the black cock, clearly a sign of white trash, poor parenting, and low income household environment.
As you all know I think any white woman that sleeps with a black man is scum so heres an interesting story. I was at McDonalds and I ordered a Sausage McMuffin with no chesse, of course it comes with cheese, trashy fat white woman that talks black says I ordered it with cheese, I hand her my receipt and it says without cheese, she again says I ordered it wit cheese despite the receipt proving my point, she makes a new one and it has cheese on it again, wtf? I then step by step walk her how to combine a bun then sausage then egg followed by a second bun to form the complicated sandwich.
I did a ton of ice fishing since my last update with some good results. I also started playing Pot limit Omaha and was doing fantastic, then horrible, now breakeven, wtf again? I'm new to the game but find it very irritating so far. March has been a bad month money wise due to lack of playing, running like shit, etc. Searching for any excuse I can. My keyboard crapped out on me so I had to buy a new one. The ice is pretty much done for with the warmer temps, rain, and wind.
March Madness starts tom. so I'm happy about that. My final four is Tennessee, Memphis, Duke, and Georgetown. I gambled a little bit with my picks but I have Tennessee winning against Memphis in the rematch 78-71. What fun is a bracket without a little bit of gamble although Tennessee is a 2 so it's not like I'm picking Georgia to win it.
Remember white America to vote or die. Vote for a black man who has a minister that hates whitey. I stick to my kind as you should. Fuck voting for a black man, fuck ministers that are stupid niggers, and fuck white people that love black America. Fuck liberal pussies as well. I'm loving my tax break from George W. You probably didn't get as nice of one since you earn far less per year.
Go onto youtube and search for "my pathetic ex boyfriend" this kid is a work of art. He starts out with a crying speech, switches to a stupid song, bursts into Freak me and performs a horrible strip tease while his white Georgia girl has 3 exposed black cocks in her. White girls loving the black cock, clearly a sign of white trash, poor parenting, and low income household environment.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Some sad news
Last Monday Max (my dog) slipped and fell while coming in from outside. He limped the rest of the day but on Wed. seemed back to normal and even jumped up onto the couch. Thursday morning after playing poker until about 1:30am my Mom woke me at 2:30 and said Max was stuck between the wall and the bed (he sleeps in their room). Max couldn't walk so we lifted him to the living room which was a difficult task giving his size. My Dad made a homemade stretcher and we somehow lifted him into the back of the Commander and took him to the vet. Around 4:30 we left the ice and got a disappointing call from my Mom saying to come home asap. We went back to the vets to look at x -rays. Max had paralysis in his lower back. He was 10-11yrs old (don't know for sure but either or). We came to the difficult yet correct decision to put him down. There isn't really anything they can do to treat paralysis but give him a steroid shot which is just putting a band aid on the situation for maybe a month. We all believed we would not remember him as the same Max knowing that he is in severe pain and may not even get rid of the paralysis. This has been a very difficult time for everyone. The worst part about owning a dog or cat is when they get old and having difficult decisions to make regarding life. Making the right decision is difficult in this case since it involves life or death. Max lived a great and long life and was loved. We gave him a fantastic home. The house seems very empty since I'm usually home working and that. I find myself wanting to exit my room saying let's go pee pee, come on let's go outside. My heart goes out to any pet owners that find themselves in our shoes. The word "sucks" sums the feeling up the best.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Can money bring you happiness?
The question is often debated with interesting points from both sides of the spectrum. I think the answer is different for every person. Many of my friends reply with "look at the fucking smile on my face, ear to fucking ear baby" which is the cliche Ben Affleck quote from Boiler Room. Money does bring my happiness. My friends are all basically under 25 and have been very fortunate in life to earn fantastic income so young. I have a little more maturity than some with handling large sums of money.
I'm curious because I just watched the new show on Fox called Moment of Truth. The lady being asked the questions was maybe 27, appeared like a slut from lower class (trailer park obv), and seemed like a dishonest person. These were my stereotypes before the first question was asked.
Question: Do you take your wedding ring off to appear like you're single?
Answer: Yes
Question: Were you still in love with an old bf on the day of your wedding?
Answer: Yes
Question: Do you think you should be married to your exbf Frank?
Answer: Yes
Question: Have you had sexual relations with anyone besides your husband since you've been married?
Answer: Yes
You can take the girl out the trailer but you can't take the trailer out the girl.
This woman is obv. pure trash. She was 2 questions away from $200,000 when asked
Question: Do you think you're a good person?
Answer: Yes
ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR sorry Mrs. White Trash that answer is false. The bitch ended up with nothing but a divorce, probably debt as she appears to be a career waitress, her old bf Frank who didn't even wear a belt with black pants and a tucked in dress shirt. Nice job. While waiting for her answer her father was saying you're a good person and shaking his head yes. How can one say another is morally a good person when they cheated on her husband? He is obv. the King of The Trailer Park and holds the Trailer Park record for most Milwaukee's Best Ice's drank in a day. He probably drives a 4 color 1982 Camaro and has the 1983 Camaro V8 engine on the side of the trailer waiting to drop it in.
Why do people get married if they don't want to? Lawyers LOVE June and July because that usually makes the 1 year mark of most marriages where divorce occurs.
I've been ice fishing almost everyday and have had some good days.
Last Thursday I caught 32 Perch and kept 13.
Last Friday I caught 32 Perch and kept 19, two jumbos in the pics above.
Sunday we caught around 60 Perch (with the help of Aissa, her second time out and she loves it) and kept 27. Also caught 2 small Rock Bass.
Today my Dad and I caught 32 perch, he caught 1 small mouth bass (very nice size) and kept 10 Perch.
32 seems like my lucky number I don't know what it is. Hoping to fish a lot the rest of the month and into March.
I have only played a few hours of poker and all that was heads up which I won 3 buyins. In March I do plan to play much more because sadly the ice will leave most likely.
Ohh we bought a Fish Tv which a camera to put in the hole to see whats going on underneath the ice. Best $100 spent, the picture and quality is amazing. No need to spend $350-500 on an Aquavu camera, this is made by Aquavu is awesome. Perch were in our holes constantly today (first chance to use it).
Monday, February 18, 2008
Where do I start
I again allowed myself to neglect the blog which is something I don't like doing but at times find it difficult to create the time.
Valentines Day was good, the day before my Uvula (thing that hangs in the back of your throat) was very swollen and I felt like shit. I stopped at Lakeside Mall and picked up an expensive box of Godiva Chocolate for the lady. I was next in one line when a woman that works there decides were creating one massive line at which point I'm now 5th in line (one family; a mom, mother in law, two strollers one with 3 kids and one with 2 kids). I was standing basically in the entrance way rather than to the side because I'd be damned if anyone else got in front of me. The 60 something woman that works there said in a cunt voice "Sir you can't leave the store without paying for the candy." With a massive fever and feeling very sick (stayed out way too long on the ice on the 13th in a blizzard and brutal wind that was cold even inside the shanty). I generally stick up for the little people and feel bad for people humping crappy jobs (standing outside holding a sign in 10 degree weather), but this cunt gave me an excuse to brag and sound like top 5% of American income earners per year that I am. I'm humble for the most part and don't brag about my income but I felt it necessary to "clap back" at this mumbling old cunt. I make more a month in rakeback than she does working lol. It shows how much I care about Aissa to wait sick in line, treated like a second class citizen for a stupid box of IMO over priced candy. We didn't gamble at all and were both beat (probably a bad idea to get a room on a Thursday, she needed to get up early.
Ice fishing has been going rough until Saturday where my Dad and I managed to catch 40 Perch. For some reason this winter I've been having trouble finding quantity fish. Spots in the past that I've been able to catch 30-50 from in a morning have produced 5 fish at best. I of course have some hot spots but they seem dull this winter (have produced great for the past 6 years). The lake is frozen and there is basically 8-12" of ice everywhere (although yesterdays rain didn't help anything). We fished Anchor Bay from about 7"30-1pm and caught around 40 and kept 25. I forgot to take pictures of the fish. We very nicely moved our vehicle over a little in the parking lot for 2 black guys (very odd to see black people ice fish, brothers hate the cold), and they thanked some other people, very fucking odd but they're stupid nigs.
I've been slacking on playing poker and need to find a good balance between fishing and playing. IMO last ice is only a couple weeks away so I want to fish a lot but I need to log some hours. I'll see what I can do.
My Birthday was just fine (spent it ice fishing on Saturday with my Dad). Multiple dinners in the past week with family, great gifts, etc. My gf bought me a really nice high quality down comforter for my bed and a shirt from Eddie Bauer, cash from family.
The pictures are from our Valentines Day balla suite at Motor City Casino and ice fishing on my B-Day. I promise to get some good fish photos up soon, I forgot to take some of fish on the ice and we cleaned them quickly when we got home.
More fishing, cleaning my room and handling neglected things while I fished, and playing some poker in my horizons. Sorry for poor quality in hotel pictures. I took the pictures in the morning with no lights on practically.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Please read and VOTE
but I've been so busy praying for Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and his minister. What a crock of shit all this is. The guy is a crook but black Detroit loves him in the same manner they loved Colman Young. A black male is doing what white males (have wrongfully done for decades) so they love it. I believe he had the stripper killed to cover his ass. This investigation and lawsuits have cost $9 million. He shoved Steve Wilson from channel 7 getting out of his car on the way to do his first re-election speech (he's not sorry and will 100% run again next term).
While reading the Poker Players Alliance website to gain some candidate information for the upcoming Presidential Election I was shocked to see that Obama considers himself "a great poker player" but will vote against any legislation attempting to legalize poker in the United States. I personally feel most Democrats are retarded on this issue. Hillary Clinton says "a study will be conducted to determine if poker is a game of skill and the social impact of online gaming in the U.S. The U.S. is pissed because they are getting butt fucked with no lube on taxing poker (same reason pot is illegal). Of course all Republicans except McCain are against online poker and will veto any legislation attempting to legalize it. McCain remains open and hasn't discussed it much. I find it hard to admit but I'm rooting for Hillary to win for the Dems and McCain to win for the Republicans. I wrote Senator Levin (who is considered a Political genius) regarding his voting for the UIGEA. In his response (his bitch who types letters) seemed confused and thought I was asking for him to vote against supporting tightening our borders (UIGEA was snuck into this bill last minute by Republican douche Bill Frist, former Senator Majority Leader from Tennessee). I asked Senator Levin to consider the economic impact that poker is creating for the U.S. and to consider voting in favor of legalizing online gaming. Why are the Democrats so against this issue? Obviously the Christian Conservatives hate gambling because they are such Holy people yet most hate gays, blacks, ethnic groups, etc. I don't like black people but I never act like a follower of God and run around like I'm at a rave while attending Church because the Lord is touching me.
My Patriots lost. I don't really know what else to say. A new Coke commerical shows Bill Frist (douche who started the banning of online poker) and political analyst James something (I think) running around having a good time. I was quite pissed to see this asshole on TV. Bill Frist killed cats while in College to study their heart and practice heart surgery (so you cat lovers should hate him). He's a weird fuck and a Jesus freak. Again, I'm Republican but hate the Conservative Christians. My beliefs except religion are mostly Republican.
I've been hearing that Party Poker may start to allow U.S. players once again. I'm still quite pissed at them for acting like pussies and closing down to the U.S. market. I will continue to play at Full Tilt and Stars (unless the games get as good as they once were at Party, which they won't because the idiots have all started playing on Full Tilt and Stars).
I booked a room for the lady and me on Valentines Day at Motor City Casino Downtown. We have a spectacular suite. We will enjoy a fantastic dinner and bottle of Dom Perignon. The night will be spent gambling, having sex, and enjoying fantastic Champagne.
My Birthday is coming up pretty soon (16th) (also her Aunt's B-Day) so I will be busy with celebrating with my family, her, her Aunt's B-Day. I'm hoping the weather stays nasty cold so ice will reform on the Lake. Sunday is suppose to be a high of 13 degrees so I'm happy.
I'm way overdue for a haircut with my new stylist Liz. I've been slacking on anything and everything except for work. I need to take a few hours and get some running around done. Work has been going very well this month after the roller coaster month of January (although a solid winning month) the swings were quite gross. I've been playing about 3,000 hands per day this week and things are going very well. I'm usually 6-8 tabling for 5 hours or so per day.
I would like to take a minute and thank my readers (both readers of my blog and my blog cross posted) for reading and hopefully enjoying my writing. If you are a Michigan reader then I would really appreciate voting for this, if you live out of state or would like still like to vote for Michigan (or any vote) that's awesome as well. The link I will post in a minute is for a new Children's fun center at a hospital. It's very important that sick kids have a great time. Some of you may dislike me, read to expect failure, like me, find me amusing, etc. but Children's Charity is something I'm a big fan of. I know Poker Players are some of the most generous people around and donate (2+2 and Barry Greenstein have done wonderful things for Childrens charities.
1. So vote Detroit if your city is not up there
2.You can vote everyday so vote everyday
3.I takes about 15 seconds to improve a childs life and is free
4. You have no excuse
When I was about 6 I was hospitalized for Croup and caught Pneumonia while in the hospital and I was in a breathing tent for about a week (3 weeks total hospital stay). One night while my Mom was visiting (Dad was working afternoons) I sat straight up gasping for air and was blue. They did a code blue and basically saved my life. A code blue is where they bring the table in with everything they could possibly use to save ones life. I never really mention this because truthfully it's scary to think how I could have easily died before my life really began, the things I would miss out on experiencing. Children charity has a very special spot in my heart.
While reading the Poker Players Alliance website to gain some candidate information for the upcoming Presidential Election I was shocked to see that Obama considers himself "a great poker player" but will vote against any legislation attempting to legalize poker in the United States. I personally feel most Democrats are retarded on this issue. Hillary Clinton says "a study will be conducted to determine if poker is a game of skill and the social impact of online gaming in the U.S. The U.S. is pissed because they are getting butt fucked with no lube on taxing poker (same reason pot is illegal). Of course all Republicans except McCain are against online poker and will veto any legislation attempting to legalize it. McCain remains open and hasn't discussed it much. I find it hard to admit but I'm rooting for Hillary to win for the Dems and McCain to win for the Republicans. I wrote Senator Levin (who is considered a Political genius) regarding his voting for the UIGEA. In his response (his bitch who types letters) seemed confused and thought I was asking for him to vote against supporting tightening our borders (UIGEA was snuck into this bill last minute by Republican douche Bill Frist, former Senator Majority Leader from Tennessee). I asked Senator Levin to consider the economic impact that poker is creating for the U.S. and to consider voting in favor of legalizing online gaming. Why are the Democrats so against this issue? Obviously the Christian Conservatives hate gambling because they are such Holy people yet most hate gays, blacks, ethnic groups, etc. I don't like black people but I never act like a follower of God and run around like I'm at a rave while attending Church because the Lord is touching me.
My Patriots lost. I don't really know what else to say. A new Coke commerical shows Bill Frist (douche who started the banning of online poker) and political analyst James something (I think) running around having a good time. I was quite pissed to see this asshole on TV. Bill Frist killed cats while in College to study their heart and practice heart surgery (so you cat lovers should hate him). He's a weird fuck and a Jesus freak. Again, I'm Republican but hate the Conservative Christians. My beliefs except religion are mostly Republican.
I've been hearing that Party Poker may start to allow U.S. players once again. I'm still quite pissed at them for acting like pussies and closing down to the U.S. market. I will continue to play at Full Tilt and Stars (unless the games get as good as they once were at Party, which they won't because the idiots have all started playing on Full Tilt and Stars).
I booked a room for the lady and me on Valentines Day at Motor City Casino Downtown. We have a spectacular suite. We will enjoy a fantastic dinner and bottle of Dom Perignon. The night will be spent gambling, having sex, and enjoying fantastic Champagne.
My Birthday is coming up pretty soon (16th) (also her Aunt's B-Day) so I will be busy with celebrating with my family, her, her Aunt's B-Day. I'm hoping the weather stays nasty cold so ice will reform on the Lake. Sunday is suppose to be a high of 13 degrees so I'm happy.
I'm way overdue for a haircut with my new stylist Liz. I've been slacking on anything and everything except for work. I need to take a few hours and get some running around done. Work has been going very well this month after the roller coaster month of January (although a solid winning month) the swings were quite gross. I've been playing about 3,000 hands per day this week and things are going very well. I'm usually 6-8 tabling for 5 hours or so per day.
I would like to take a minute and thank my readers (both readers of my blog and my blog cross posted) for reading and hopefully enjoying my writing. If you are a Michigan reader then I would really appreciate voting for this, if you live out of state or would like still like to vote for Michigan (or any vote) that's awesome as well. The link I will post in a minute is for a new Children's fun center at a hospital. It's very important that sick kids have a great time. Some of you may dislike me, read to expect failure, like me, find me amusing, etc. but Children's Charity is something I'm a big fan of. I know Poker Players are some of the most generous people around and donate (2+2 and Barry Greenstein have done wonderful things for Childrens charities.
1. So vote Detroit if your city is not up there
2.You can vote everyday so vote everyday
3.I takes about 15 seconds to improve a childs life and is free
4. You have no excuse
When I was about 6 I was hospitalized for Croup and caught Pneumonia while in the hospital and I was in a breathing tent for about a week (3 weeks total hospital stay). One night while my Mom was visiting (Dad was working afternoons) I sat straight up gasping for air and was blue. They did a code blue and basically saved my life. A code blue is where they bring the table in with everything they could possibly use to save ones life. I never really mention this because truthfully it's scary to think how I could have easily died before my life really began, the things I would miss out on experiencing. Children charity has a very special spot in my heart.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
If anything can go wrong it will
What a day it was, filled with bad ju ju from the start. I decided to go ice fishing instead of work today. The old saying is that your worst day fishing is better than your best day working, I'm not a believer anymore. First off, I wanted to fish Beacon Cove, I made the 1 mile walk (forgot my chains for my boots), since there is no snow on the ice it's like walking on an ice rink. I watched a guy cross over where the ice was bad before attempting it myself, he hit the spud into the ice and it went right through indicating horrible ice, even too dangerous to quickly cross over (only a 10 foot area of ice). So I couldn't fish where I wanted to. I made roughly 5 moves with horrible luck. I have fished and ice fished for 18 years on Lake St. Claire, I know where and how to fish. I then somehow managed to hook my two rod lines in the water together resulting in one fuck of a mess of line. The one hook managed to get caught on the ice at the bottom of the whole, I tried the ice scooper first, no luck, then had to stick my hand in the water to free it. Another rod created a bird nest of line knots which after 20 minutes I said fuck it, I'll put fresh line on at home. In 3 hours with horrible weather, bad ju ju, and fishing mediocre at best fishing spots I left. While backing in the driveway in my Dad's Commander I some the fuck how managed to scrape the side of my truck with the vehicle I was driving. Lack of attention, being tired, upset, etc.? I honestly have no fucking clue how this happened. Luckily the damage is only a small scrape on my Commanders back bumper and no damage (a very minor chip on the side) of my parents Commander which looks like a rock flew up and hit the upper fender. My bumper may even be able to be buffed out. I probably walked 3 miles on slippery ice with a mess of problems. January has been a bad month for me so I'm excited it's ending in 1:10 minutes.
Who the fuck knows where we will be able to fish on Saturday. I'm planning on taking Aissa but with this heavy snow (6-10") I heard, shitty fishing and ice recovering from 44 degree weather with 50mph wind and rain, who knows. I thread the needle sometimes on the ice but sadly the opening to Beacon Cove was just that bad, the ice is probably 6" inside the marina but the entrance is where the problem lies. No fish is worth a life. For Saturday I will put safe ice in priority over fish. I'm not the guy fishing 30 feet from open water but I'm not the guy fishing the boat basin when the lake is frozen. I have no problem fishing on 3 inches of ice. I'm looking for 6 inches on Saturday. I really think the fish are in tight to shore, 6 feet of water, etc. or they are out really far (2 mile +). The weather fucks up their thinking about where to go and time of year.
Who the fuck knows where we will be able to fish on Saturday. I'm planning on taking Aissa but with this heavy snow (6-10") I heard, shitty fishing and ice recovering from 44 degree weather with 50mph wind and rain, who knows. I thread the needle sometimes on the ice but sadly the opening to Beacon Cove was just that bad, the ice is probably 6" inside the marina but the entrance is where the problem lies. No fish is worth a life. For Saturday I will put safe ice in priority over fish. I'm not the guy fishing 30 feet from open water but I'm not the guy fishing the boat basin when the lake is frozen. I have no problem fishing on 3 inches of ice. I'm looking for 6 inches on Saturday. I really think the fish are in tight to shore, 6 feet of water, etc. or they are out really far (2 mile +). The weather fucks up their thinking about where to go and time of year.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Ice fishing and the auto show
We finally have some more good ice that extends several miles onto the lake. I went out Saturday for about 2.5 hours with my Dad and made the long walk to Beacon Cove Marina from the DNR access ramp. We were both shocked that the ice is 4 wheeler safe. We caught about 11 decent Perch in a last minute fishing trip.
Sunday I went to the auto show Downtown with my gf and her family while my Dad returned to Beacon Cove via 4 wheeler, he caught about 15 Perch and 1 Pike. The auto show is always fun for me, I enjoy looking at the nice cars and some more practical ones. Ferrari and Lamborghini both had cars that were a baby blue - silver and very sharp. I was shocked to see the sticker price on the 2008 Jeep Commander read $39,000 for the Limited one, the base one which is a step below my current Commander was $33,000 and the hemi top of the line Commander was $43,000. My lease is up in September so I was checking out some possible replacements. 2008 is the last year they are making the Commander for some reason, which isn't sales related. 38k seems a bit much to me for a Jeep. The interior is upgraded though and the seats are much much nicer. In my 07 Commander basic water will leave water marks on the seat.
The new Corvette ZR1 is 682hp and is a beast. I was very impressed with the car. The new Cadillac CTS V is very nice also, sticker price is 70k ( I think). Of course we saw the Bentleys, RR, Maybach, etc.
Monday I went ice fishing with my Dad again. We arrived at the DNR access ramp about 9am, unloaded the 4 wheeler, shanty, etc. and realized the seats from the shanty were gone. We loaded everything back up and retraced our drive and eventually found them on the side of the road on 16 mile between Gratiot and Harper. We went back to the access ramp and unloaded again and headed out fishing in Beacon Cove again. We caught about 28 Perch. We took a break from Perch fishing and set up 4 tip ups for Pike and within 30 minutes a flag went up. Pike take fish or your bait and swim with it, then they decide if they are going to eat it, well sadly this Pike took out only a few feet of line and dropped the bait.
I wanted the fucking pictures down here but ohh well. I'm going to play 3 hours or so today and tomorrow and prepare for a big February. The goal is to play a lot of poker and fish several times a week if the ice continues to be good. The rain melted much of the snow but since the temp is suppose to drop to 19 tonight I think little damage to the ice will be done.
Saturday I'm planning on taking Aissa with me fishing (her first time ice fishing). I hope the temp stays cold so we can drive wherever via 4 wheeler on the lake. I guarantee I will put us on some fish if the ice is good. I'm just going to show her the ropes and let her catch most of the fish and also teach her how to drive a 4 wheeler ( Asian car drivers will now be on the ice driving ahahahaa). Driving 4 wheelers, snowmobiles, etc, is like riding a bike to me cause I've been doing it forever. Perhaps if the weather is cold on Thursday I will scout a few areas for Saturday.
Friday, January 25, 2008
The Westboro Baptist Church and Politics
I'm sure you have heard of the group of protesters outside of military funerals that hold signs that say "God hates fags", "Thank God for 911", "Thank God for IED's", etc. They protest outside military persons funerals because gay people are in the military. The founder Fred Phelps has protested outside Holocaust memorials. The Phelps family that makes up about 80% of this small church and protest group are pure evil. They claim 911 is God's way to punish fags. I personally hope these people rot in hell and if I were a juror on a trial for a family member of a dead military person that assaulted a member of this uninformed group I would vote not guilty. A funeral is not a time of protest but rather ones last remains on earth and a time for remembrance. I guess even myself that feels the world is full of uneducated scum didn't really think that people could stoop so low. It makes me ill to believe people celebrate the death of the brave men and women that defend this Country and allow these people to have free speech.
I personally was raised Catholic but I'm not a religious person. It's been 6 years plus since I've been to Church. I attended Sunday School but honestly couldn't tell you a paragraph out of the Bible. I'm also sick of these small Church's in the South (as depicted in the Borat movie) that have people in a state of hypnosis running around because the Lord is touching them. Sadly being a Republican forms opinions that I'm a Jesus freak and that all Republicans are this way. Many people vote a certain way based on issues that are important to them. Most avid hunters and gun enthusiasts vote Republican, most gays vote Democratic, most minorities vote Democratic (income), many people are split voters and base there decision on the candidates themselves.
I really need to spend some time educating myself about the current possible Presidents for 2008. I personally like Ron Paul the Republican but he stands a slim chance of even representing the Republican Party because of some racist comment made years ago regarding blacks. Internet Regulation is my only topic of interest personally this year, I will need to vote based on this rather than other opinions I have regarding same sex marriage, the war, abortion, etc. Internet regulations could impose further gambling problems for myself since the Bill Frist era. In the end it means I will probably be voting for a Democrat and I have two fantastic choices in Obama and Clinton. I personally hate both for various reasons. I hate Hillary Clinton, she is monotone and boring and personally I don't want a woman for a President. I feel men are much better in Business than women because men don't have as much emotion as women. Search any valid study from a top University and the evidence will back my personal conclusion.
I also don't want a black male to be President. I personally don't see any way white America will let this happen. I'm sure black America feels he is an Uncle Tom but I have no doubt they will vote for him based on race alone which is why I feel the need to vote for anyone white.
I personally was raised Catholic but I'm not a religious person. It's been 6 years plus since I've been to Church. I attended Sunday School but honestly couldn't tell you a paragraph out of the Bible. I'm also sick of these small Church's in the South (as depicted in the Borat movie) that have people in a state of hypnosis running around because the Lord is touching them. Sadly being a Republican forms opinions that I'm a Jesus freak and that all Republicans are this way. Many people vote a certain way based on issues that are important to them. Most avid hunters and gun enthusiasts vote Republican, most gays vote Democratic, most minorities vote Democratic (income), many people are split voters and base there decision on the candidates themselves.
I really need to spend some time educating myself about the current possible Presidents for 2008. I personally like Ron Paul the Republican but he stands a slim chance of even representing the Republican Party because of some racist comment made years ago regarding blacks. Internet Regulation is my only topic of interest personally this year, I will need to vote based on this rather than other opinions I have regarding same sex marriage, the war, abortion, etc. Internet regulations could impose further gambling problems for myself since the Bill Frist era. In the end it means I will probably be voting for a Democrat and I have two fantastic choices in Obama and Clinton. I personally hate both for various reasons. I hate Hillary Clinton, she is monotone and boring and personally I don't want a woman for a President. I feel men are much better in Business than women because men don't have as much emotion as women. Search any valid study from a top University and the evidence will back my personal conclusion.
I also don't want a black male to be President. I personally don't see any way white America will let this happen. I'm sure black America feels he is an Uncle Tom but I have no doubt they will vote for him based on race alone which is why I feel the need to vote for anyone white.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Poker Bustouts
This enchanting DVD is a documentary interviews degenerate poker players. Some had big bankrolls at one point in time, others are always scraping, some are broke and thousands in debt. It's sad but the game needs losers, I prey on idiots, thats how I earn my money. I don't play to chase some fucking pipe dream of winning the W.S.O.P. main event, I play for fucking cash. These people grind out 1bb/hr at a 10/20 limit game, for 50 years. I want to be retired at age 40, 2 million dollars in investments, play high stakes for fun and also to earn income. By retired I mean maybe play poker for 20 hours per week. People are stupid with there money. I have read thousands of stories of people owing thousands to hundreds of thousands, people never getting paid back, etc. I've heard the sob stories.
I've blogged about never lending poker players money (people in general). I was part of a team bankroll aimed to play nosebleed stakes online with pooled money. When soft spots arrived the best player available at the time played (I've played the nosebleed O8 games). I've won and felt like I fucked the prom queen, I've lost and felt like a 43 year old alcoholic changing oil for a living feeding 3 trailer park kids and a fat couch potato of a wife. I've seen the highs and lows. I never went broke, we made calculated decisions, game selection, and were quite successful (not going to mention any amount won). Everyone worked together fine, for the 8 of us to get along so well and for the trust to be there with the account (obv. everyone knew the password). I will mention one player we will play against (even though the group is kinda done, we didn't play that often) and that player is Guy Liabrate (sp check) he is a billionaire and owns Cirque de sole. Sadly, he doesn't play as often and not heads up anymore (he lost about 3 million playing heads up, not to us) overall we are up about $60,000 on him but have obv. had some bad sessions).
I guess what I'm trying to say is that in any profession there we be scum. Some lawyers are severe cocaine addicts, the doctor with the hooker fetish, the everyday family man that cheats on his wife, the stock broker that steals money from his clients, the athlete that takes steroids, and so on. This scum doesn't get noticed because they are considered professionals but they have problems. Yes, these people are scum but it's stereotyping an occupation. I actually laughed while watching it and it served reminder on my worst losing days just how lucky I am. I have skills you don't have, you may not have them at all or you might not know you have them. Less than 1% of people that try to accomplish my job make it. I don't disagree that many players have gambling problems (pit games and sports betting). I can awake in the morning happy knowing I don't have to play a 18 hour session at the Bellagio at 3/6 limit stakes.
I would advise you tubing the video if your interested and type in poker bustouts. Yes the people are morons, douches, etc, just like any other profession in the world there will always be assholes. I will never let anything distract me from my ultimate goal. I have never shot off large at craps, blackjack, roulette or sports betting. To be perfectly honest, I'm to smart of a person to do something so idiotic. If you can tell me I will not be successful (well off financially) then I will say you're a liar.
I've been having a difficult time coming up with topics to blog about. I want to write more but often have difficulty finding something entertaining, exciting, something I feel knowledgeable writing, etc. I watched the video today after 3 horrible days of poker (one of which was a top 5 losing day) to cheer me up.
My next blog update will include an interesting prop bet and my offer to all.
I've blogged about never lending poker players money (people in general). I was part of a team bankroll aimed to play nosebleed stakes online with pooled money. When soft spots arrived the best player available at the time played (I've played the nosebleed O8 games). I've won and felt like I fucked the prom queen, I've lost and felt like a 43 year old alcoholic changing oil for a living feeding 3 trailer park kids and a fat couch potato of a wife. I've seen the highs and lows. I never went broke, we made calculated decisions, game selection, and were quite successful (not going to mention any amount won). Everyone worked together fine, for the 8 of us to get along so well and for the trust to be there with the account (obv. everyone knew the password). I will mention one player we will play against (even though the group is kinda done, we didn't play that often) and that player is Guy Liabrate (sp check) he is a billionaire and owns Cirque de sole. Sadly, he doesn't play as often and not heads up anymore (he lost about 3 million playing heads up, not to us) overall we are up about $60,000 on him but have obv. had some bad sessions).
I guess what I'm trying to say is that in any profession there we be scum. Some lawyers are severe cocaine addicts, the doctor with the hooker fetish, the everyday family man that cheats on his wife, the stock broker that steals money from his clients, the athlete that takes steroids, and so on. This scum doesn't get noticed because they are considered professionals but they have problems. Yes, these people are scum but it's stereotyping an occupation. I actually laughed while watching it and it served reminder on my worst losing days just how lucky I am. I have skills you don't have, you may not have them at all or you might not know you have them. Less than 1% of people that try to accomplish my job make it. I don't disagree that many players have gambling problems (pit games and sports betting). I can awake in the morning happy knowing I don't have to play a 18 hour session at the Bellagio at 3/6 limit stakes.
I would advise you tubing the video if your interested and type in poker bustouts. Yes the people are morons, douches, etc, just like any other profession in the world there will always be assholes. I will never let anything distract me from my ultimate goal. I have never shot off large at craps, blackjack, roulette or sports betting. To be perfectly honest, I'm to smart of a person to do something so idiotic. If you can tell me I will not be successful (well off financially) then I will say you're a liar.
I've been having a difficult time coming up with topics to blog about. I want to write more but often have difficulty finding something entertaining, exciting, something I feel knowledgeable writing, etc. I watched the video today after 3 horrible days of poker (one of which was a top 5 losing day) to cheer me up.
My next blog update will include an interesting prop bet and my offer to all.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Lions and Tigers and Bears Ohh My
I went to my Cousins new place up north, by up north I mean in the U.P. basically bordering Wisconsin and Canada. We took out the new snowmobiles which resulted in poor decision making. I hit a top speed of 93 MPH which felt like 170 MPH (felt faster). After you hit about 60 MPH you feel like the snowmobile is hydroplaning. When we reached the other side of the Lake I got off the snowmobile, knelt down, kissed the ice and said I would never do something so foolish again. I'm no a big snowmobile buff so pardon my ignorance for not knowing the exact specifications of the snowmobiles. I have driven snowmobiles multiple times but never this fast, 40 MPH was probably the fastest I have ever gone prior to this escapade. Perhaps if you're naive you would assume 93 MPH is not fast because you have driven that fast in a car or a motorcycle, I challenge you to drive 93 MPH on a snowmobile and not shit or piss yourself ( I did neither). I know many people that go "up north" which generally consists of driving 2.5-3 hours away from the Suburbs. I would estimate the drive was about 11 hours. What an adrenaline rush it was going so fast but also how stupid I am for doing something like that. I have learned my lesson with tempting the spirits. I guess the snowmobile is suppose to top out at 102 MPH, I have no curiosity to find out.
Tiger Fest was Meh. For those of you that have never attended I will try to simplify. You pick a line to wait in (8 different locations around the park), the players autographing switch every 55 minutes, you could be in line for Ivan Rodriguez and then when his time is up fucking Dan Peatry takes over (we obv. left the line). While in line to get our picture taken with a Tiger in the locker room Miguel Cabrera walked by. I was simply shocked at how small he is. Everyone says he needs to lose weight (perhaps he has). He just doesn't look like a power hitter. Ladies if you want to Jersey chase I would advise him. The man is very good looking. Put on your slutty little outfits, get an attitude like you're hot, apply make up to hide multiple flaws, hope in your 98 Sunfire (pretending it's a 328 BMW obv.) and go hunt him down in Birmingham at a swanky club. Nate Robinson was doing pictures when we were in line and I was actually happy about it (he seems like a very nice guy), then Justin Verlander replaced him (see above Pic), who was also very nice.
In short from the little time I saw them:
Ivan "Pudge" Rodriguez = Dick (wasn't making small talk with little kids while signing balls, paused long amounts of time between signing to eat fruit) I personally feel he is washed up and his stats in 07 prove it.
Miguel Cabrera = nice and seemd like a happy person.
Nate Robinson = nice, shook everyones hand before pictures, good with little kids.
Justin Verlander = nice, shook everyones hand before pictures, good with little kids, nice to talk to, just wished him luck in 2008 and congrats on the no hitter in 07. He's my favorite player for the Tigers so that was nice that he wasn't a douche. (sorry ladies you can't jersey chase with Justin, his gf was there and is gorgeous, the flaws 97% of women have she doesn't, I mean this girl is smoking hot).
Sadly I look quite overweight in the picture because I am. After a year of strict dieting for my acne medicine I have been eating any and everything unhealthy in sight. I was shocked to weigh myself on Wed. and see 216.5 staring back at me. I want to get down to about 190. I sit all day working, don't work out, smoke, eat bad, drink a lot of pop. My face looks good though. I just plan to walk or jog a few days a week downstairs. I don't plan to go crazy with the exercise and dieting because I'm quite happy eating bad but could use it to get some energy back.
I need a new chair for my computer so if anyone has one they like for say under $500 drop me a line.
Supernova Elite and if I'm attempting a run at it? Right now I don't think it would be possible. I vow to not play LHE so that means FPP's will not add up as fast playing NLHE unless I 20 table full ring for 7hrs a day. For those unfamiliar Supernova Elite is very hard to achieve (only 89 players made it in 2007). It equates to about $83,000 in bonuses, a paid buyin for a $10,000 buy in tournament, entry into the WCOOP $2,600. Basically you get up $100,000 for achieving it in bonuses. It requires long hours and playing at least 12 tables during those long hours. I'm going to watch Dautt's video on 21 tabling via CR to see how difficult it would be, keep in mind 21 tabling means you are sitting at 21 tables and basically have a decision to make every 1.5 seconds.
I need a swig of Pepto because my dinner is not sitting well and I feel nauseated.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Hands lost at showdown
AA vs. KK preflop, K hits on the river
888 vs. KKK on the K85ds flop, fucking cooler, never ever fold a set here
A10 vs. J9 on the 1083 flop all in, fucking 7 hits the turn
KJ vs. 99 on the KK9 flop, again not folding a set, player was 42/32
QJds vs. As7d on the J54ss flop, All in on flop, A hits the turn, I don't improve
QQ vs. KJs all in preflop, K hits the flop
So fucking gross. I'm pissed an going to watch Frasier. I have found a CPA should I even make any money at Poker (jk but gross day). This is why Bankroll MGMT is crucial to ones success. All hands were at 3/6 and I lost at least $600 and about $1,100 on the 888 vs. KKK hand.
AA vs. KK preflop, K hits on the river
888 vs. KKK on the K85ds flop, fucking cooler, never ever fold a set here
A10 vs. J9 on the 1083 flop all in, fucking 7 hits the turn
KJ vs. 99 on the KK9 flop, again not folding a set, player was 42/32
QJds vs. As7d on the J54ss flop, All in on flop, A hits the turn, I don't improve
QQ vs. KJs all in preflop, K hits the flop
So fucking gross. I'm pissed an going to watch Frasier. I have found a CPA should I even make any money at Poker (jk but gross day). This is why Bankroll MGMT is crucial to ones success. All hands were at 3/6 and I lost at least $600 and about $1,100 on the 888 vs. KKK hand.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Done with Zahir
I'm finished getting my hair cut at Indovino. I wait at least 30 minutes every time despite the appointment only policy. Today my appointment was at 1:30, I arrived at 1:25, no other customers in the place. At 2:00 I was fed up with him spending 35 minutes with his shampoo sales lady that I said I would re- schedule some other time, he chases me out, will not let me close my car door, apologizes up a storm, tells me he will give me a free hair cut (money isn't the issue here, time is), grabs my arm to prevent me from closing my car door (As stated multiple times I hate to be grabbed or restrained in any way, that's why I beat up so many people at the bar in the past). While waiting he said Dave you gained weight. This comment pissed me off because I'm at a Barber Shop not Jenny Craig. Try dieting for 6 months to get on Acne medicine then 5 months of eating super good while on it. Forgive me for indulging in some horrible food and gaining 15lbs. I get home and he left two messages on the home recorder. I deleted them without listening because I don't care. I have spent more time waiting to get my hair cut than I have getting my hair cut.
I remember one time there was a guy in the chair, Matt whom I went to school with since Elementary and then some short haired Dyke woman whom walked in after Matt and I, this Dyke gets taken first. Every single person that goes there for a hair cut is pissed about waiting, being double booked. When his shop was being remodeled I remember driving to Van Dyke to his temp spot. My friend Adam was waiting, said he had been waiting for 1.5 hours, I found out I had not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, but 5 people in front of me, I left.
Finally, every time I go there I have to hear about how I never call someone. Dave how come you don't call Jim anymore? blah blah, well for starters I don't even have his number, he works 900 hours a week and is always out of town. I heard you and other Dave are not friends, why? Well Zahir he can't handle his alcohol and attacked me while I was driving him home from the bar, after preventing him from taking an ass whopping by some random people whom he talked shit to in the bathroom, approached after he got out of the bathroom and talked more shit, so yea I gave him a little chin check after we almost rolled my truck which was 100% due to him attempting to put me in a head lock.
Perhaps getting my hair cut there is too high school. I'm a changed man. I prefer to watch Tv, go out with my awesome and perfect gf, or play poker. I'm not the beer chugging, party animal I once was. I 'm sober for the most part, I enjoy a nice glass of wine or Champagne on special occasions or with a good meal. I changed for me because I didn't like the person I had become. I put my passions before alcohol (which for some reason is very confusing to others). Quite frankly I'm sick of typing and plan to never mention this shit again, if people are so ignorant (reading comprehension wise) to understand then the loss is due to there lack of understanding. I don't hate people I used to see at the bar, that is simply not the case. I have nothing in common with them, I'm just me. Again, I'm at a new and exciting point in my life. I have created a lucrative career from what nearly everyone assumed was stupidity and degeneracy at it's finest. I guess people hate to congratulate they would rather player hate (lol). Actually I think many people are jealous of my success and happiness which is simply childish. This is the last blog entry like this, I promise that. I will try harder to update more frequently. My Mom has surgery tomorrow since the Doctor fucked it up the first time and I'm going to Tigers Fest on Saturday.
I remember one time there was a guy in the chair, Matt whom I went to school with since Elementary and then some short haired Dyke woman whom walked in after Matt and I, this Dyke gets taken first. Every single person that goes there for a hair cut is pissed about waiting, being double booked. When his shop was being remodeled I remember driving to Van Dyke to his temp spot. My friend Adam was waiting, said he had been waiting for 1.5 hours, I found out I had not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, but 5 people in front of me, I left.
Finally, every time I go there I have to hear about how I never call someone. Dave how come you don't call Jim anymore? blah blah, well for starters I don't even have his number, he works 900 hours a week and is always out of town. I heard you and other Dave are not friends, why? Well Zahir he can't handle his alcohol and attacked me while I was driving him home from the bar, after preventing him from taking an ass whopping by some random people whom he talked shit to in the bathroom, approached after he got out of the bathroom and talked more shit, so yea I gave him a little chin check after we almost rolled my truck which was 100% due to him attempting to put me in a head lock.
Perhaps getting my hair cut there is too high school. I'm a changed man. I prefer to watch Tv, go out with my awesome and perfect gf, or play poker. I'm not the beer chugging, party animal I once was. I 'm sober for the most part, I enjoy a nice glass of wine or Champagne on special occasions or with a good meal. I changed for me because I didn't like the person I had become. I put my passions before alcohol (which for some reason is very confusing to others). Quite frankly I'm sick of typing and plan to never mention this shit again, if people are so ignorant (reading comprehension wise) to understand then the loss is due to there lack of understanding. I don't hate people I used to see at the bar, that is simply not the case. I have nothing in common with them, I'm just me. Again, I'm at a new and exciting point in my life. I have created a lucrative career from what nearly everyone assumed was stupidity and degeneracy at it's finest. I guess people hate to congratulate they would rather player hate (lol). Actually I think many people are jealous of my success and happiness which is simply childish. This is the last blog entry like this, I promise that. I will try harder to update more frequently. My Mom has surgery tomorrow since the Doctor fucked it up the first time and I'm going to Tigers Fest on Saturday.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Random stuff

I went to Chuckie Cheese last Thursday with Aissa and two of her Nieces Ana and Stephanie, a fun time was had by all. I probably played at least 100 hundred games of skeet ball (my favorite game from the old days). The kids had a great time playing the games. I quickly realized how overprotective I am of Ana (or perhaps little kids in general), perhaps the little kid falling on her head three tables away moments before lead me to feel like this. I also learned that I'm a great motivator, Ana got hurt in the jungle gym and within 20 seconds of pep talk she was right back up there. Sadly, pictures on are on Aissa's digital camera which Ana later cut the USB cord with Popcorn's nail clippers.
We celebrated our 4 month Anniversary on Saturday with a fantastic meal and bottle of Dom Perignon. I had Lobster that was simply fantastic along with a perfect Filet Mignon.
Poker is going well so far in 2008 however I was sadly informed a few days ago that my Accountant is retiring due to health issues which perhaps could be related to chain smoking Moore cigarettes for 50 hours a week for 50 years or the constant flow of Blackberry Brandy. Domenic was a fantastic Accountant, good friend of my Fathers and my family. My Dad has known Domenic for probably 35 years. His ability to hide income is simply unmatched by anyone. I am now forced to find another Accountant (sadly his health is horrible and he can't advise me to anyone because his lungs and throat are done). Through a tiny amount of research have been unsuccessful in finding a replacement. I have to admit how strange it will be to meet with another Accountant. I will miss the small room, the mess, the clouds of smoke, his straining voice and the comfort of not being audited. If anyone has any advise Accountant wise please let me know, I can't go to a basic place like H&R Block, I need an actual Accountant that specializes in the self employed. As of right now I think I will need to get an Accountant in Vegas or California (know a few people that highly recommend people), however I don't really want to fly out just to handle taxes. Again, leave a comment if you know someone good that is located in Michigan.
Mercury Morris should really just be quiet because he is just bringing himself embarrassment. Mercury played for the 1972 Miami Dolphins who up to 2007 were the only team to go undefeated 14-0 in the regular season and 3-0 in the Playoffs thus winning a ring in the process. This year the New England Patriots went 16-0 in the regular season and will most likely go 19-0 and win the Super Bowl. In 1972 the regular season was only 14 games without free agents and the salary cap. The New England Patriots accomplished 16 wins in the free agent and salary cap era which makes them the better team (16>14). Apparently Mercury is under the impression that the two teams are in the same exclusive club now. Mercury went from being the club to not being allowed into the club. If the Patriots win the Super Bowl then the Patriots stand all alone at 19-0 and Mr. Morris will be escorted away from the club doors because his team simply isn't the best anymore. Jesus, that sounded just like something Jim Rome would say.
My favorite Football team is the Baltimore Ravens who finally fired Brian Billick after a horrible 5-11 season. Their offense was appalling and this makes him look horrible since he is an offensive minded coach. I'm saying my prayers the Ravens finally get a Quarterback since they have never had a good one or even mediocre. As many Lions fans realize one needs to find another team to root for since we have sucked for decades, although I still am a Lions fan.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
New Years Eve 2007
38the floor at the Detroit Marriott in the Ren Cen. (Detroit River and Windsor)
I had a good night overall. We checked in, had sex, cleaned up and went to dinner at Coach Insignia which is the nicest restaurant I have been to. My gf had Lamb and I had shrimp and this Lobster Corn dog with a fantastic sauce. We shared a fantastic bottle of wine (first drink in nearly 11 months). I didn't get drunk but enjoyed 2 glasses of very expensive wine. Total bill with tip $385.36. If you want to impress your woman, man, mother, father, etc. and live in MI. I would recommend Coach Insignia, located at the top floor of the Ren Cen. (yes the elevator ride made my hands sweat up a storm).
Red Wings played horrible and some drunk asshole got a little to loud, called me a homo when leaving, then his buddy who is shorter than my gf (5"3) decides he is 6"6 and 300lbs and really tough is like I'm gonna hurt you, your all talk buddy, so we are like 20 feet from outside and I'm like we will see who the pussy is in a minute, he of course walks fast when outside so I mock him, heres where shit gets wild as fuck, his ugly wife comes over and is like consider yourself lucky my husband doesn't want to fight you, I laugh and say "no, your the lucky one, lucky I don't fucking slap you, you ditty cunt, my gf who is 5"3 and maybe 110lbs shoves this 40 year old white trash lady hard as fuck and she fucking cracks her head open on the cement and can't get up on her own (this fat lady is easily 220lbs) so her husband that was Mr. Tough Guy 2 minutes ago inside is forced to walk back into the jungle, he walks fast and shoves me I took a few steps back and punched him in the jaw (the chin) while his buddy who is easily about 6"5 and was shoving little kids (I understand that leaving a game there is a crowd and people are bumping each other but he was basically just walking and moving little kids, the whole thing started when he pushed my gf from behind). stood there in silence after calling me a homo, I talked a bunch more shit until a nigger security officer arrived and I told them "it's crazy this drunk couple just fell on the ice while laughing and walking away, the guy I punched fell, got up all weird and fell into a guardrail then was attempting to help lift the Cow he calls his wife. People actually patted me on the back after I hit that guy because he was so rude to the large crowd we exited with. Although these new fans of mine are cowards in my eyes for not saying or doing anything I enjoyed it. I was sober, I had two half glasses of wine about 7 hours earlier in the night and nothing else to drink. No arrests or anything which is the main reason I didn't continue hitting the guy, I could have easily worked him for several minutes leaving him a bloody mess, I think the embarrassment of falling several times trying to pick up his fat wife was even more embarrassing. My gf. is just this tiny Asian girl that is very polite however her Cousin Ronald is a 6th degree black belt and got her interested in it and she is a second degree black belt so she can hold her own. That fat skanks legs just went flying up while her husband looked on in horror, I give him a small amount of credit for shoving me despite being too much of a pussy to do it before hand.
It was kinda funny because people were talking quietly about us and giving us the awkward stare and then turning away. A guy about 40 or so told me on the people mover how bad he wanted to hit the guy but obv. couldn't do much with his two younger boys who were probably about 7 and 10 and how people like that deserve it etc. whom this asshole and his tall buddy and fat wives were shoving (his one boy got elbowed quite hard in the cheek). My favorite part was his little kid shadow boxing on the people mover. The fat bitch that my gf shoved had about a 3inch cut and was bleeding everywhere (very icy out last night downtown plus fat people fall hard). Hopefully she needs stitches and doesn't have medical coverage so they can pay a lot of money for it.
All in all a great night. Luckily we moved quickly afterwards to avoid any trouble with security. Stupid to stand around after you hit someone and we quickly left. For once my hand is in perfect shape (probably because I only punched him once instead of previous fights where I continue to punch people until they are a bloody mess and my hand is covered with blood.
I hope my readers enjoyed Christmas and had a safe Happy New Year.
I'm personally exited for 2008 and have some large but modest goals in every aspect of my life. I wish you all the best and have a healthy and prosperous 2008
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