I again allowed myself to neglect the blog which is something I don't like doing but at times find it difficult to create the time.
Valentines Day was good, the day before my Uvula (thing that hangs in the back of your throat) was very swollen and I felt like shit. I stopped at Lakeside Mall and picked up an expensive box of Godiva Chocolate for the lady. I was next in one line when a woman that works there decides were creating one massive line at which point I'm now 5th in line (one family; a mom, mother in law, two strollers one with 3 kids and one with 2 kids). I was standing basically in the entrance way rather than to the side because I'd be damned if anyone else got in front of me. The 60 something woman that works there said in a cunt voice "Sir you can't leave the store without paying for the candy." With a massive fever and feeling very sick (stayed out way too long on the ice on the 13th in a blizzard and brutal wind that was cold even inside the shanty). I generally stick up for the little people and feel bad for people humping crappy jobs (standing outside holding a sign in 10 degree weather), but this cunt gave me an excuse to brag and sound like top 5% of American income earners per year that I am. I'm humble for the most part and don't brag about my income but I felt it necessary to "clap back" at this mumbling old cunt. I make more a month in rakeback than she does working lol. It shows how much I care about Aissa to wait sick in line, treated like a second class citizen for a stupid box of IMO over priced candy. We didn't gamble at all and were both beat (probably a bad idea to get a room on a Thursday, she needed to get up early.
Ice fishing has been going rough until Saturday where my Dad and I managed to catch 40 Perch. For some reason this winter I've been having trouble finding quantity fish. Spots in the past that I've been able to catch 30-50 from in a morning have produced 5 fish at best. I of course have some hot spots but they seem dull this winter (have produced great for the past 6 years). The lake is frozen and there is basically 8-12" of ice everywhere (although yesterdays rain didn't help anything). We fished Anchor Bay from about 7"30-1pm and caught around 40 and kept 25. I forgot to take pictures of the fish. We very nicely moved our vehicle over a little in the parking lot for 2 black guys (very odd to see black people ice fish, brothers hate the cold), and they thanked some other people, very fucking odd but they're stupid nigs.
I've been slacking on playing poker and need to find a good balance between fishing and playing. IMO last ice is only a couple weeks away so I want to fish a lot but I need to log some hours. I'll see what I can do.
My Birthday was just fine (spent it ice fishing on Saturday with my Dad). Multiple dinners in the past week with family, great gifts, etc. My gf bought me a really nice high quality down comforter for my bed and a shirt from Eddie Bauer, cash from family.
The pictures are from our Valentines Day balla suite at Motor City Casino and ice fishing on my B-Day. I promise to get some good fish photos up soon, I forgot to take some of fish on the ice and we cleaned them quickly when we got home.
More fishing, cleaning my room and handling neglected things while I fished, and playing some poker in my horizons. Sorry for poor quality in hotel pictures. I took the pictures in the morning with no lights on practically.
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