Monday, June 30, 2008

June sucked

I'm down a lot for June mostly from running horrible. I've also lost a fair share of bets.
I replenished my online accounts and will begin playing tomorrow July 1st. June sucked big time and was my first losing month in over a year. Not only was it a losing month but a big losing month.

Life is calming down some for a few weeks. I've been super busy with planning shit, going to different parties for different things, reserving things, all that shit. I leave for California on July 18th and come back the 30th of July. Sadly we need to plan the trip and shit we will do there yet.

The past 2 weeks I have ran horrible in every aspect of my life: I really forger the order but heres the negative shit, with really no positives happening at all.

1. Trolling motor problems on lake (resulted in getting in water and geese shit for 45 minutes and then nigger rigging something up to fix the problem with the BRAND NEW MOTOR).

2. My fucking keyboard started to fuck up again while typing this (honestly)

3. Worst sunburn ever resulting in 3 day fever.

4. 12 straight losing days of poker.

IDK everything was just shit this month.

Here's to a much more lucrative July.

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