Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Bose must just love me

I threw my top of the line headphones yet again and need to shoot up to the store to buy a new pair (my 4th). It's pretty sick to think that I have spent almost $1,000 on headphones. The final straw was my poor play of top two vs the nut straight on the flop. Now I must regain control of my emotions, get happy and relax. I have made it a point that after I tilt I don't talk to anyone for at least 30 minutes because I'm mad. Every month I have one day where things just go completely wrong for me between running bad and then I make it worse by playing bad. Although, I somehow only lost 3 buy ins today. The sheer volume I play makes up for these days but it still pisses me off.

I was considering taking the boat and going fishing but they have been calling for rain all day and it smells and looks like it will pour any second so I said fuck it and played some poker. Of course the rain still hasn't came so it looks like I picked the wrong option. Although fishing has been going very poorly for me since ice out. After ice out I usually don't fish much until Musky season opens (first Saturday in June). I want to get good at fishing the rivers but it has gone very very rough so far with boat control being the number one problem with the current. A simple solution would be to go out with my cousin who is a very good Walleye fisherman and has fished the rivers for 25 years. I'm thick headed though and try to do everything on my own which is stressful. My confidence going into Musky season is at an all time low. My goal is still to boat 50 Muskies this season. By boat I mean when I fish with my Dad, gf, or by myself I want a total of 50 Muskies to be caught be anyone I'm with including myself by the end of the season. This is a huge goal of mine. Big time Muskie fisherman might boat 100-150 a year fishing more rods and a much bigger boat and have access of the whole lake at any time.

I also want to catch the 30lb+ monster that has avoided me my whole life. Catching a Muskie this size is not uncommon in Lake St. Clair. Muskies as large as 43lbs have been caught in recent years. About 10 years ago just as it started to pour on us my rod took off like a bat out of hell. I clearly felt the fish on the rod and within about 3 minutes of fighting it get off. I casted and threw my lure in the area for 30 more minutes without getting it or anything else. In my eyes I had a 30 some pound fish on for a few minutes.

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