Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The biggest decision I have ever made

I made the decision after driving in and arriving downtown late for my first class at roughly 9:55 a.m. to take the semester off from school in hopes of quitting for good (Yes, I guess you can say I would be a College dropout). I've been doing some real soul searching about what I would want to do in life. I honestly would rather be dead than the guy in the 2 year old Kia, with the dog shit suit, stuck in traffic, humping an entry level job with his degree. I made the decision to attend Business School. At this moment the idea of working or being middle Mgmt. nauseates me, it's not what I want to do in life right now. Michael Dell dropped out of college and he's worth over 15 billion dollars.

I plan to play roughly 30-35 hours a week, strictly 6 max no limit cash games. I will work when I want, although I would like to start getting up at about 10 a.m. I'm excited about the opportunity and feel free. This is a fairly unusual way to make a living (in most peoples eyes, although there are many, and many others make side income doing this).

I lost my passion for school right now. I have a cumulative G.P.A. of 3.7, have 70% of my degree completed, excelled at any and all subjects. I just don't have the passion to sit in class and learn from the horrible teaching staff at W.S.U. I've had a few nice teachers but the majority of them were mediocre to terrible (see rant about cunt COM3300 teacher in I believe Junes archive). I don't more intelligent for attending school. When I speak of how dumb people should be killed I'm referring to people that are basically idiots at life, some have college degrees, some don't. It's not me picking on people that don't have college education. Perfect example: I'm driving down Hall Road and a black Mercedes is going 40mph in a 50mph zone, I pass and look at him, of course he is shaving. This guy is a moron, has money, but yet isn't needed in society. The Republican in me hates how people that are capable of working choose to sit around with 8 kids and bleed a system to death. Sure I want to see the poor get help (help the guy thats holding the sign "homeless need money for food, God bless" that sits on the I94 exit at 7 mile, help the guy thats sitting at the I94 exit and Woodward and Brush that is missing a leg, homeless, in a wheel chair, without a beer in his hand, missing half a dozen teeth, that has a sign "War Veteran, homeless and need spare change") Don't help the people that are capable of providing and are suffering only from laziness.

Back on track now, I apologize. I told my parents and they support my decision and my Mom even says how she thinks I'm making a good choice. Life is about choices, some are correct and some aren't. Life is also about discovering yourself. My plan is to play poker full time until December 2007. If I'm unhappy doing this I will return to school in January. It's clear I have a passion for the game. I honestly believe if you follow your heart in life you will find happiness. Ones heart may get hurt but your passion will never allow your heart to break. I have made a good choice and it's supported by 3 people I care about and respect their opinions. In the end the decision is mine, I would go ahead with this anyways but it's wonderful to get support when making a life altering decision. Would it be too Hollywood for me to quote Rounders right now? I'll refrain lol.

As a side note: I'm seeing a wonderful girl that I just met. She's a big sports fan, nice, caring, easy to talk to, not a big drinker or club rat, works a good job, likes me, is fantastic in bed, gives the best blow job I've ever gotten (many girls have sucked my dick). She doesn't read this so I'm not just trying to be nice or anything. She knows more about the Tigers than anyone I know, male or female. I sent her a text message and then she called me and I explained what I did. NO I don't need to justify it to her, I have my balls still and wear pants. She said "cool you know I support you baby" how many girls hated me even playing while going to school and here this girl is saying that, I was honestly shocked. Girls my age and younger seem to have a hard time relating to shit, they're out of touch with reality (I blame My Sweet 16). I went out with this one girl a few weeks ago and I said something about Michael Vick and she was like ohh I don't know who that is or what he did. Even if you don't watch football it has been on every news channel, comedy show, etc. Then she said why is that wrong, meaning dog fighting (she has a dog herself). I'm very happy with Aissa (pronounced ICE -AH), shes Asian and I love me an Asian girl. She's 29 by the way, we both have no problem with the age difference. Filipino women tend to age really really well. Her Mom is like 64 but looks under 40 plus it's common for most Asians to look younger than they really are. She looks no different than girls I know that are 20 or 21.

Anyways, I just wanted everyone to know what I'm doing.

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