The question is often debated with interesting points from both sides of the spectrum. I think the answer is different for every person. Many of my friends reply with "look at the fucking smile on my face, ear to fucking ear baby" which is the cliche Ben Affleck quote from Boiler Room. Money does bring my happiness. My friends are all basically under 25 and have been very fortunate in life to earn fantastic income so young. I have a little more maturity than some with handling large sums of money.
I'm curious because I just watched the new show on Fox called Moment of Truth. The lady being asked the questions was maybe 27, appeared like a slut from lower class (trailer park obv), and seemed like a dishonest person. These were my stereotypes before the first question was asked.
Question: Do you take your wedding ring off to appear like you're single?
Answer: Yes
Question: Were you still in love with an old bf on the day of your wedding?
Answer: Yes
Question: Do you think you should be married to your exbf Frank?
Answer: Yes
Question: Have you had sexual relations with anyone besides your husband since you've been married?
Answer: Yes
You can take the girl out the trailer but you can't take the trailer out the girl.
This woman is obv. pure trash. She was 2 questions away from $200,000 when asked
Question: Do you think you're a good person?
Answer: Yes
ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR sorry Mrs. White Trash that answer is false. The bitch ended up with nothing but a divorce, probably debt as she appears to be a career waitress, her old bf Frank who didn't even wear a belt with black pants and a tucked in dress shirt. Nice job. While waiting for her answer her father was saying you're a good person and shaking his head yes. How can one say another is morally a good person when they cheated on her husband? He is obv. the King of The Trailer Park and holds the Trailer Park record for most Milwaukee's Best Ice's drank in a day. He probably drives a 4 color 1982 Camaro and has the 1983 Camaro V8 engine on the side of the trailer waiting to drop it in.
Why do people get married if they don't want to? Lawyers LOVE June and July because that usually makes the 1 year mark of most marriages where divorce occurs.
I've been ice fishing almost everyday and have had some good days.
Last Thursday I caught 32 Perch and kept 13.
Last Friday I caught 32 Perch and kept 19, two jumbos in the pics above.
Sunday we caught around 60 Perch (with the help of Aissa, her second time out and she loves it) and kept 27. Also caught 2 small Rock Bass.
Today my Dad and I caught 32 perch, he caught 1 small mouth bass (very nice size) and kept 10 Perch.
32 seems like my lucky number I don't know what it is. Hoping to fish a lot the rest of the month and into March.
I have only played a few hours of poker and all that was heads up which I won 3 buyins. In March I do plan to play much more because sadly the ice will leave most likely.
Ohh we bought a Fish Tv which a camera to put in the hole to see whats going on underneath the ice. Best $100 spent, the picture and quality is amazing. No need to spend $350-500 on an Aquavu camera, this is made by Aquavu is awesome. Perch were in our holes constantly today (first chance to use it).