Nice win over MSU on Saturday. Imagine MSU blowing another game against Michigan. I have already stated how much I love to see sad faces at College Football games. I felt so confident when Michigan was down by 10 due to MSU blowing a 17 point lead 3 years ago. Ryan Mallet needs much improvement next year. I'm not a fan of his and stated this multiple times. Henne played like a true Senior QB and was fantastic in the 4th quarter. Henne was limping badly and also had an injured shoulder. Michael Hart was basically playing with 1.5 legs since he was in one play then out 4 and back in for 2. Hart saved the game after Mallets first snap that he fumbled. Harts whole fucking lower leg was filled with tape. He then stated after the game that "Michigan State is like our younger brother, we let them get the lead then just start to really play and beat them up" Lick my balls MSU fans because your team blows and always will. It must suck to leave me confident, cocky away messages only to have your team blow yet another game. So eat my ass.
I'm waiting for pictures from the Halloween party on Saturday night. I went as Lt. Dangle from Reno 911, sadly my mustache didn't stay attached (shitty glue). The costume was uncomfortable and very snug in the crotch. Yes, I realize it's after Halloween and I would much rather stay at home and watch the #4Arizona State vs. #5 Oregon but this was a big to do and have to sacrifice much less than others do and go to shit with their significant others. My costume had no pockets so I didn't bring my digital camera. I will post pictures of my costume when I get them.
Zoo pics coming soon. Blogger will now allow me to post pics.
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