I have played the best poker in a long time this week yet I'm running horrible
QQ vs. KQ on the 48QK board all in he hits a K on the river, money all in after turn.
AA vs. 99 all in preflop 9 hits on the flop
Q4s vs. Q6 all in on river on the QQ346 board
AK vs. 33 all in on the AQ5 flop, turn 3, river 3 (that one pissed me off so much I needed to quit the session)
AK vs. AQ all in after the turn board is AJ62, he hits a Q on the river
For some odd reason I can't post hand histories in the blog. The most important thing to remember in these situations is to not tilt. I did a fantastic job of controlling my anger. It's always better to quit than to continue when you're upset. All of these hands happened today except the Q4 vs. Q6 hand. It's not a bad beat but one hell of a cooler (very cold). Stars and FTP have both butt fucked me with no lube. I'm yet to get my money all in the pot as an underdog which means I'm playing awesome. Despite these horrible bad beats and coolers I'm still running slightly under half of what I expect to run.
I'm excited for New York which is 16 days away. It will be a busy (site seeing) and at times relaxing vacation. Since we have a King Deluxe Suite or whatever you can actually have massages in your room (which is balla). You have to pay for the massages but I plan to get a long one. I will also be fucking my girlfriend everywhere. She paid for her end of the trip just to let everyone know that she is not some leech. 70 Park Avenue also has the balla robes that you use to dry off in. For those unfamiliar with New York we will be staying in Midtown Manhattan (fucking expensive). Our hotel is on Park Avenue (check your Monopoly board). Around my Birthday I think we may take another vacation, this time to somewhere warm (Vegas, L.A. or perhaps Costa Rica).
I've hired a Poker coach for 5 lessons. I'm NOT broke or really struggling, I just wanted to sharpen up my game a little bit. I've hired an excellent 600NL -1000NL player to coach me at 400NL (although I have the money to play 600NL) of course I play higher games in other forms (O8 and Limit and recently H.O.R.S.E.) I've been running at around 3.00ptbb/hr and want to get that up to 5ptbb/hr before I play 600NL again.
I've handled so much stupid shit in the past 2 weeks it's nauseating.
Got new phone (number still not switched over after a week, 3 calls to T-Mobile)
Booked N.Y. trip
All my Christmas shopping is done (except Aissa's IPOD) I also bought her an autographed Brandon Inge baseball and a very expensive case with a Tigers logo and nameplate.
Downloaded CD's for Aissa
Picked up all the leafs
Oil change
Cleaned basement
Ordered new printer cartridges
Looked at Insurance Plans for 2008 (waiting for my Mom so she can be there cause she knows insurance shit better than me and I know a lot).
Had a lesson with Max (poker coach)
Met Aissa's family for Thanksgiving
Brushed Max (the dog) countless times
Made my Christmas list
Went to Michigan vs. OSU game
2 hours worth of fixing my parents computer
Dentist appt.
Return Dentist appt. for fillings
Dermatologist appt. (1 month left) my face looks flawless according to others
Football blog
Bought a new wallet finally
Prescription pick up at CVS
and probably at least 15 other things that are slipping my mind
I bought a new phone 11-20 from the T-Mobile stand at Macomb Mall
11-21 I called to have my Nextel number switched to my T-Mobile phone (called T-Mobile). They said 24 hours it will be switched.
11-23 I call T-Mobile because the number hasn't been transfered and they said the computer system had a glitch and a programmer will manually import the Nextel number, will be done within 24 hours.
11-26 Today I went back to Macomb Mall they called T-Mobile and were told the same thing I was. I'm pissed because this sounds simple and pissed about the customer service.
If by 11-28 this Wed. I don't have the number switched I will use my 14 day return policy and go elsewhere. This is getting ridiculous.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Our original ticket plans fell through a few days before my post about going to the Michigan vs. Ohio State game. She thought her Cousin (who goes to U of M) could get us student section seats but I guess she couldn't because this is such a big game. On Thursday night we were talking about the game and I said it's Henne, Hart, and Long's last game in Maze and Blue and probably Lloyd Carr's last game coaching the team. I expected Lloyd to be carried off the field if Michigan wins. Michigan vs. Ohio State is the largest rivalry in College Football by far. I learned at a young age to hate Ohio State.
Anyhow my girlfriend surprised me at about noon on the phone saying she got us tickets for the game as an early Christmas gift for me. I should note that these tickets were very expensive ($220 each). I awoke early after saying a prayer the night before regarding a Michigan win. 6:15 I got up on Saturday, picked her up at 9am and shot down I94 to Ann Arbor, we could pick up the tickets after 10, we picked them up at 10:30, parked, made the walk, picked up some hot chocolate, and sat down in our seats.
Michigan played horrible, the worst I have seen this team play. People say The Big House is the quietest Stadium in College Football. I can state through experience that the Stadium was deafening. It was so loud and people stomping on the cement made the body vibrate. 111,000 and some odd people were at the game, 2nd largest crowd in College Football history. I wanted to take a picture of this 4-6 year old kid wearing a shirt that said "Friends don't let friends root for Ohio State" the shirt was maze and blue and I thought was awesome. The kid has a good Dad. The weather was bad (37 degrees and rain). It rained the whole game and came down harder in the 4th Quarter. It's one thing to have your girlfriend purchase expensive tickets as a great early Christmas present but it's another to find a girl that will not complain about sitting in cold, raining weather for over 3 hours.
There was an inflatable Penis floating around in the student section that said "Tressel Loves Penis" Jim Tressel is the head coach for Ohio State. Very Very funny. (see pictures)
I went out for a fantastic brunch today in celebration of my Mom's Birthday and missed my picks for the N.F.L early games. I had a small winning day, shouldn't have bet the Pitt. game.
Aissa and myself booked our vacation to New York tonight. We had about 6 hotels we really liked and cut it down to one. We will be leaving Detroit at 3:30pm 12-13 and arriving in New York around 5:30 (LGA) and taking our reserved transportation (Lincoln Towncar) to 70 Park Avenue (our Hotel's name). We are staying in the King Deluxe Suite. We will be leaving 12-16 at 8:30. I'm not bragging about taking a Towncar although it's much nicer than a cab or van which are other options. We haven't planned times for our site seeing which will need to do some research on. I don't feel like posting a link but if you're curious to see the room go to www.70parkave.com and click on King Deluxe Suite, not very complicated.
Aissa isn't mad keen on having her picture posted on the blog. My blog is cross posted on a poker forum (which is full of virgins lol). In case you were wondering why there is no pic of us on my blog. We sadly forgot to take a picture at the game but we were seated in section 39 row 85 seats 24&25 in case anyone is wondering.
I'm exhausted so it's off to bed.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Very quickly
I bought a 24" Gateway monitor today. I can easily 8-12 table. Gotta spend money to make money. I had a nice 19" monitor but I wanted a bigger one. Pictures will be posted once I mess around with my camera and turn the flash back on.
I'm going to the U of M vs. Ohio State game on Saturday. Tickets are going for around $400 per seat and up. My gf's cousin goes there and got us two tickets in the student section for next to nothing (like $50 total). I'm very excited to go see another U of M game despite their record this season. I grew up hating OSU, it's natural and a way of life. People in Ohio grew up to hate U of M.
I took a beating on my N.F.L. games this week. This is why I used my statistics smarts to allow for these things. Some teams choked big time (Colts and Lions and of course Minnesota not scoring to hit the over for me).
New York is still a go and am super excited. Planning on going 12-13 to 12-16.
I'm hunting for medical insurance right now. I'm still covered through the end of the year but I need to get insurance since I will be self employed at the start of 2008 and probably forever. Thankfully, I'm very educated in medical insurance (my job for 6 years) and my Mom is even more educated so we will be able to find a good deal. I don't need anything really good but just something to have in case of a car accident or broken bone or whatever. I don't understand people that don't get insurance. What happens if you get into a car accident and get a hospital bill for 23k which is very common? I guess you would file bankruptcy and fuck yourself in the butt. I just want something basic to protect myself which I consider a smart thing to do.
This monitor is unreal and has such a great picture. My ballin poker friends diss me cause I was just using a basic 19" monitor (although most people have the lol 15.5 inch big ass nasty monitor). I was planning on buying the 30" Samsung but it's just too big and I don't need it. The 24" is perfect for me. I do plan to ball out and get nice stuff but it's hard to fit a nice big desk in my room. When I move out I plan to have an extra bedroom with a nice desk, and chair, 2 50 inch plasmas on the wall and overall just a nice office/ sports room. It's dumb to pimp out my room right now simply because there is no room for anything.
Time to watch Monday night football and handle the loose ends of today.
I'm going to the U of M vs. Ohio State game on Saturday. Tickets are going for around $400 per seat and up. My gf's cousin goes there and got us two tickets in the student section for next to nothing (like $50 total). I'm very excited to go see another U of M game despite their record this season. I grew up hating OSU, it's natural and a way of life. People in Ohio grew up to hate U of M.
I took a beating on my N.F.L. games this week. This is why I used my statistics smarts to allow for these things. Some teams choked big time (Colts and Lions and of course Minnesota not scoring to hit the over for me).
New York is still a go and am super excited. Planning on going 12-13 to 12-16.
I'm hunting for medical insurance right now. I'm still covered through the end of the year but I need to get insurance since I will be self employed at the start of 2008 and probably forever. Thankfully, I'm very educated in medical insurance (my job for 6 years) and my Mom is even more educated so we will be able to find a good deal. I don't need anything really good but just something to have in case of a car accident or broken bone or whatever. I don't understand people that don't get insurance. What happens if you get into a car accident and get a hospital bill for 23k which is very common? I guess you would file bankruptcy and fuck yourself in the butt. I just want something basic to protect myself which I consider a smart thing to do.
This monitor is unreal and has such a great picture. My ballin poker friends diss me cause I was just using a basic 19" monitor (although most people have the lol 15.5 inch big ass nasty monitor). I was planning on buying the 30" Samsung but it's just too big and I don't need it. The 24" is perfect for me. I do plan to ball out and get nice stuff but it's hard to fit a nice big desk in my room. When I move out I plan to have an extra bedroom with a nice desk, and chair, 2 50 inch plasmas on the wall and overall just a nice office/ sports room. It's dumb to pimp out my room right now simply because there is no room for anything.
Time to watch Monday night football and handle the loose ends of today.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
I've been playing a lot of 50/100 and 100/200 H.O.R.S.E. the last week. H.O.R.S.E. is a rotation game consisting of 1. Limit hold em 2. Limit Omaha hi/low 3. Razz 4. Stud hi and 5. Stud 8I'm bad at Razz but can hold my own in most other games. Every 10 hands the game switches to another form of poker. The general public (you) are considered retarded and only capable of watching no limit and occasionally limit hold em. I have no edge in Razz and Stud hi and am probably a fairly big loser overall in the two.
40 hours between M and F is what I want to accomplish this week. My Mom is in far better shape than expected after surgery. I'm taking a small beating on the football games today but some teams have flat out choked (colts and Minnesota for not scoring despite being at the GB 6 yard line) Of course since I'm far superior in Math and Statistics than my readers the system I created allows for losses. The only reason I created my sports betting blog (which you should have bookmarked but can find a few posts down) is to brag and have proof that I can earn far more interest on investment than your stock broker. If you don't know a bookie you can bet with an offshore casino and sports book such as bodoglife.com (I bet boxing there fairly large and have had no problems getting my money). I'm thinking about trying to develop a system to bet on N.B.A. and N.H.L. games. I've been asked this before but want it to be known that everyone (including myself) that is highly educated in Math laughs at people that struggle and yes we feel far more superior, I'm also a very arrogant U of M fan. Do you need higher level math skills in life? no. Do you need a 14 inch Penis in life? no but it's a lot cooler having it.
I got a 5mph over ticket on Tuesday. I paid it, no points, I'm pissed about it because it really was only going 5 over. It's not like I was going 15 over and he knocked it down. It was in Harper Woods which is a poor version of Grosse Pointe. I was treated horrible by a police officer that makes what I laugh at for a living. He was a dick and made it a point to mention I was getting the ticket off the get go, he gave me a Breathalyzer, I don't drink I just make money and sleep with my hot Asian girlfriend. Ohh wow Peyton Manning just threw interception #5.
I'm getting tired so I don't wish to write much longer. This cops wife is probably a size 12 with warts. Whatever I'm 23 and fuck a size 4 Asian. What do cops make per year? 26k? cause that's my informed guess. AND I THINK IT'S FUNNY. I'm itching to get out of Clinton Twp even if it's only like 30 minutes away or so. My girlfriend is looking to buy a house really soon (because she has a good head on her shoulders and works hard), I obv. don't want to move right in and get a house or place together but who knows. Things are going awesome and it's been two great months together. I have a great people and balance in my life which makes my job 10x easier.
In closing: Aissa says I should post a picture of how awesome my face looks (although she liked me for me when I met her and Accutane had it all fucked up looking). I think I bragged enough tonight and I don't really care what anyone else thinks.
1. superior math skills
2. lol at police and income and size 12 women
3. not really bragging but tv execs think you are too stupid to show other forms of poker on tv (although I have heard they are showing some other forms but I haven't seen it).
40 hours between M and F is what I want to accomplish this week. My Mom is in far better shape than expected after surgery. I'm taking a small beating on the football games today but some teams have flat out choked (colts and Minnesota for not scoring despite being at the GB 6 yard line) Of course since I'm far superior in Math and Statistics than my readers the system I created allows for losses. The only reason I created my sports betting blog (which you should have bookmarked but can find a few posts down) is to brag and have proof that I can earn far more interest on investment than your stock broker. If you don't know a bookie you can bet with an offshore casino and sports book such as bodoglife.com (I bet boxing there fairly large and have had no problems getting my money). I'm thinking about trying to develop a system to bet on N.B.A. and N.H.L. games. I've been asked this before but want it to be known that everyone (including myself) that is highly educated in Math laughs at people that struggle and yes we feel far more superior, I'm also a very arrogant U of M fan. Do you need higher level math skills in life? no. Do you need a 14 inch Penis in life? no but it's a lot cooler having it.
I got a 5mph over ticket on Tuesday. I paid it, no points, I'm pissed about it because it really was only going 5 over. It's not like I was going 15 over and he knocked it down. It was in Harper Woods which is a poor version of Grosse Pointe. I was treated horrible by a police officer that makes what I laugh at for a living. He was a dick and made it a point to mention I was getting the ticket off the get go, he gave me a Breathalyzer, I don't drink I just make money and sleep with my hot Asian girlfriend. Ohh wow Peyton Manning just threw interception #5.
I'm getting tired so I don't wish to write much longer. This cops wife is probably a size 12 with warts. Whatever I'm 23 and fuck a size 4 Asian. What do cops make per year? 26k? cause that's my informed guess. AND I THINK IT'S FUNNY. I'm itching to get out of Clinton Twp even if it's only like 30 minutes away or so. My girlfriend is looking to buy a house really soon (because she has a good head on her shoulders and works hard), I obv. don't want to move right in and get a house or place together but who knows. Things are going awesome and it's been two great months together. I have a great people and balance in my life which makes my job 10x easier.
In closing: Aissa says I should post a picture of how awesome my face looks (although she liked me for me when I met her and Accutane had it all fucked up looking). I think I bragged enough tonight and I don't really care what anyone else thinks.
1. superior math skills
2. lol at police and income and size 12 women
3. not really bragging but tv execs think you are too stupid to show other forms of poker on tv (although I have heard they are showing some other forms but I haven't seen it).
Monday, November 5, 2007

Nice win over MSU on Saturday. Imagine MSU blowing another game against Michigan. I have already stated how much I love to see sad faces at College Football games. I felt so confident when Michigan was down by 10 due to MSU blowing a 17 point lead 3 years ago. Ryan Mallet needs much improvement next year. I'm not a fan of his and stated this multiple times. Henne played like a true Senior QB and was fantastic in the 4th quarter. Henne was limping badly and also had an injured shoulder. Michael Hart was basically playing with 1.5 legs since he was in one play then out 4 and back in for 2. Hart saved the game after Mallets first snap that he fumbled. Harts whole fucking lower leg was filled with tape. He then stated after the game that "Michigan State is like our younger brother, we let them get the lead then just start to really play and beat them up" Lick my balls MSU fans because your team blows and always will. It must suck to leave me confident, cocky away messages only to have your team blow yet another game. So eat my ass.
I'm waiting for pictures from the Halloween party on Saturday night. I went as Lt. Dangle from Reno 911, sadly my mustache didn't stay attached (shitty glue). The costume was uncomfortable and very snug in the crotch. Yes, I realize it's after Halloween and I would much rather stay at home and watch the #4Arizona State vs. #5 Oregon but this was a big to do and have to sacrifice much less than others do and go to shit with their significant others. My costume had no pockets so I didn't bring my digital camera. I will post pictures of my costume when I get them.
Zoo pics coming soon. Blogger will now allow me to post pics.
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