Unless you are a female, emo homo, or generally a sissy who has zero sports knowledge, then you're aware Barry Bonds is rapidly approaching Henry Aaron for the all time homerun record. The all time homerun record is the most popular and sacred record in baseball. ESPN has a program called Outside the lines and the topic was Barry Bonds and how white and black Americans view him. I should state the current record holder Henry (Hank) Aaron was a black male. His life was threatened countless times when he was approaching breaking the all time homerun record held at the time by Babe Ruth (a white male). Hank Aaron is in my opinion the greatest baseball player. I feel he did the second most for the game behind Jackie Robinson (first African American to play major league baseball). Jackie Robinson paved the way for African Americans in all sports not just baseball and generally was a pinoneer. He was spit on, called names, had death threats, disrespected by his team members, etc. He remained quiet and let his talent talk for him.
Barry Bonds was indicted by a Federal Grand Jury because of his participatement in Balco (a large steroid company). Barry Bonds said he never took steroids on purpose and was given tons of "vitamins and supplaments". Barry Bonds in recent years has excelled in his hitting while increasing in age (usually homeruns go down when you get older), instead Barry Bonds hit 70 homeruns a few years ago to break the record for most homeruns in a single season. Barry Bonds also stated his trainers would rub a cream on him before lifting and give him a clear pill to take. This is basically the same as stating you were using the steroid "clear and cream". A recent tell all book by the one time mistress of Barry Bonds (a white woman) states that Barry Bonds head grew so large she was getting scared (his actual head not penis head). She also mentions that his sexual performance was horrible and his testicles were very small due to long time steroid abuse.
The study on ESPN today showed that blacks feel Barry Bonds is being treated harsh by the media and fans because he is black. Only 27% of African Americans feel Barry Bonds did steroids. 85% feel he should be in the Hall Of Fame. I could carry on with countless other statistics about how much African Americans love Barry Bonds and how the white man is bringing him down. Lets not forget Hank Aaron was black and 85% of whites would prefer to see Hank Aaron continue to hold the record.
How can white people be so against the black athlete yet they love and respect Hank Aaron? Babe Ruth took the record by eating hot dogs and drinking beer. Hank Aaron took the record by skill and determination. Barry Bonds will steal the record by abusing steroids.
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