I kepts it real today. First day of COM3300 because I obv. slept in too late on Tuesday and really could give a fuck less about going on the first day. I quickly pick up on the fact that my teacher is a cunt. She is snippy and short. She is from somewhere in Europe (accent). So let me just jump right into this: We(5 of us that missed class Tuesday) have to do an introduction speech, not a big deal. Just a few things about you and shit. While I was talking (sitting in my desk) I had my left leg crossed over my right leg (how a man crosses his legs not a female). She asks me if I like to give speeches. I respond not really but I don't hate it and get all worked up about it like some people. She states "good you can give a 2min improv speech because you disrespected the students on the front right hand side of the room by showing them the sole of your shoe by having your legs crossed. I'm basically confused as why this is a sign of disrespect. Here in America I have never understood this to be wrong. In the Middle East and In parts of Asia (we live in neither) this is a sign of disrespect. I'm obv. very frustrated but looking forward to a rant that will become classic. I can hold nothing back (obv. dropping the class because this twat has it out for me). I should note she also asked me what my "career goals were" I responded by saying "to be finacially stable enough to retire young through self employment" She states lol "this will never happen because todays youth can't save any money" I felt like saying I have more in stocks and savings, I even have a Roth IRA (retirement fund), than you do. Of course I was polite and didn't say this. So on to my speech
Topics I ranted about include:
How hot the classroom was
How my teacher has Granny arms and watching the fat fly around everytime she moved her arm was gross.
Ranted about Mayweather not knocking out De La Hoya
About a girl I seen walking wearing a shirt that said "dirty dirty south"
As I was leaving the front of the room while the class was beyond cracking up I looked her straight in the face and said "diversify your fucking bonds". I grabbed my backpack and went to take my statistics quiz.
I called my Mommy to tell her I was dropping this class. I explained the strange situation to her. She said she was proud of me for sticking up for myself. I often in school situations don't. I try to avoid conflict at school. Outside of school I could give a fuck about conflict. If you don't like me fine, fuck you. Shes in charge of the COM dept. all I can say is wow. She represents the way I feel about all COM teachers. I dropped the class and we get 100% tuition back. I understand this probably is not very funny. This might be one of those "you have to be there to get it" My statistics and probabilities professor assigned our final project already. He approved me to do game theory expected value of different poker hands. Easy A to say the least. I could have easily just talked about some stupid shit up there to please her but seems like she has a red rocket for me already. I honestly feel she dislikes me because of how I was dressed and the way I style my flawless hair. I could understand if my phone went off or I was talking but for crossing my legs (the desks are too small and I'm only like 6ft, would suck to be taller I guess). I obv. don't want to waste my summer listing to this cunt speak for 6 hours a week and having her grade me beyond hard because she dislikes me for some reason or another.
In poker news: I have been killing the 55+5 heads up SNGS and have averaged $175 an hour so far this week. Obv. variance will catch up to me but I still feel I can make $80+ an hour. I like heads up because I only have to outplay one idiot instead of 5 at a 6 max cash game. Today has been a very odd day.