I requested my roommates make a sign saying Don't Tilt. Tilt for the uninformed is when you get frustrated while playing poker due to bad beats and start playing really stupid costing yourself usually alot of money. Tilt can however make the transition into life away from the tables. When your dog starts barking you could say "nice tilt." Another example would be pouring a drink and some spills a common response would be nice tilt.
It's clear I have some anger issues. Generally speaking I would consider myself a nice person that is very outgoing. The problem is when I get upset I get really upset. I would estimate tilt costs me $1,000 a month. I got tilted when some idiot called with 66 against my AK. He is a 55-45 favorite by the fact that someone would call a $600 allin with 66 astonishes even me. I then shoved the next hand on a different table with AQs not the best move and ran into some shortstack with $100 at a $600 buyin table who had KK. He obviously had the best hand but I was steaming after the AK vs. 66 hand.
I have a tough Economics exam Monday afternoon which I need to study for. I also have Math thats due and a speech in like a week. Taking 5 classes might be too much even though I don't technically have a job although I spend job like hours online playing poker to support myself.
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