The pictures above are of me in a suit before I went to court this past Wednesday. In case you wonder what I look like in a suit. The third picture I took while watching players flip for $3,000 every hand. Notice player Dustin Dirksen on the left sitting with amost $500,000.
I havent been doing a whole lot lately. Mostly just playing online poker. I played all the big tournaments today with little success. I have been running really good in cash games which is a nice change. I feel I'm playing good and making good reads and folds against my opponents.
I quit drinking pop today. I need to shed some lbs and this is the first place to start. I need to cut out other stuff but pop is a big issue with me, its always been.
I would also like to mention this website sorry I don't know how to do the link despite multiple attempts. I would never ask a non poker player to donate money to a cause. If you happen to feel that the Government has no business to interfere with online gaming then I would kindly ask you to become a basic member by signing their petition. If you happen to agree that it should be banned then please save that opinion for yourself. Many people like myself make a nice income and are able to better ourselves with higher education and by many other ways. It will only take a minute or two of your time to sign this if you want to. I thank you in advance. The goal is 1 million signatures. 1 million voices can't be ignored. I myself have donated money and will continue to. The U.S. Governments recent actions have turned a Republican to vote for any Democrat (leave out Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton). By the way Mr. Head Black Guy Jesse Jackson knocked up his white mistress.
I guess lately I have kinda been in a funk. I have alot of demons in my life that have been around for way too long. I don't feel I'm ready to be around people drinking yet and plan to avoid bars forever. I don't want to drink and I don't want to be around it. At some point if you plan to be successful both financially and more importantly personally I feel you need to quit the childish behavior. I'm very guilty of this myself. I realized while in jail I'm sick of using drugs and drinking alcohol.