Thursday, August 30, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Dirt Poor
Detroit is now officially the poorest city in America, beating former 1st place holder Cleveland. It comes as no great surprise to me as I go to school downtown. There are some nice parts and I use the term nice loosely. There is 2 brand new sports stadiums, popular bars, and condo development off Woodward Ave. The rest is a shit hole. I think it would be awesome to live in a new condo or loft downtown off of Woodward Ave. A big sports fan such as myself would be 3 minutes from Ford Field and Comerica Park. The big downside is Woodward Ave. is filled with bums, drug addicts, and generally would be hard for a white person to perform a simple task such as picking up groceries, getting a prescription filled, running out for fast food, etc. I hate traffic and being in crowded places and wouldn't like to live in Detroit so this is not for me.
Detroit is poor because Michigan is poor. Our Democrats in office are fucking the working class worse than any Republican ever has including Ronald Regan who basically said fuck unions, Presidents of companies don't have to even listen to the union. What has Jennifer Granholm done for Michigan? What has Mayor Kwame Killpatrick done for Detroit? Kwame is just another nigger who the niggers love because he is a nigger that is doing a white mans job. Some may say well he brought the Super Bowl to Detroit, WRONG, Bill Ford brought the Super Bowl to Detroit because he is the largest buyer of commercial time during NFL games and his family owns the Detroit Lions. Politics is such a dirty game. I know everything you see on tv or in the movies is not accurate but when it comes to politics I believe about 95% of it. If your a builder and want a permit then you better give $50k to some councilman to get your license to build in a particular area. The license probably costs $500 so the other $49.5k goes to line the pockets of a Senator, Mayor, or building President.
Let's not forget how many Senators and Congressmen keep appearing in all these scandals. The Republican Senator of Idaho was just arrested for indecent conduct in an airport bathroom. I guess he was tapping his feet while on the crapper which is a sign that he wants to perform sexual acts with the person in the stall next to him. This is the same ultra conservative Republican that fights against gay rights and the joining of two men to become life partners, he has fought against gay spouses to get insurance through their partners insurance because marriage is a sacred commitment between a man and a woman. Here this 60 year old starch Republican is taking a shit and trying to suck a dick in the mens room. Some Mayor or some shit in Mass. that is Republican was caught posting ads on gay websites trying to find men to have sex with. Dick Cheney shot a man in the face and had the victim apologize lol. Democrat Ted Kennedy a long time Senator from Mass. killed a woman in a car accident while hammered and threw her body into the water while she was still alive and drove off back in the day, reports say the woman would have survived had he not done that. Ted Kennedy is still a Senator and has appeared in Star Magazines worst Summer body's for about a decade straight, often looking like a beached whale and coming closer to cardiac arrest with every step he makes on the warm sand.
Everyone's dirty in politics, democrats and republicans alike. Money for their campaigns is provided through PAC's so that when elected these politicians can fight for the rights of the PAC's that elected them. The National Riffle Association, Firefighters, oil companies, mining companies, auto industries, chemical companies, and tens of thousands of others all have PAC's. The NRA is of course donating to republicans, Firefighters and the auto industry are giving to democrats and so on and so on. Anyone can create a PAC by the way. You, me and Dupree could have one set up in a day.
George Bush has failed America. I will say I voted for him in the 2004 election. If you watched his speech at ground zero it was inspiring, moving, and emotional. He vowed to bring the terrorists to justice and that they will pay for trying to destroy the Western way of life. I like that. I want an Islamic fundamentalist dead, no questions, no trial, just death. Republicans are the type of people to make this happen, not Democrats. Well for a Republican he sure let me down, years later Bin Laden is still on the run, we have a ground war in Iraq, terrorists from Syria, Iran, Pakistan (who hates us the most) and Egypt all in parts of Iraq. It's the same story and I'm sick of it. If Bush wants anything to be remembered by during his legacy then he better capture and execute Bin Laden. That will make Americans feel like we got justice and maybe make him remembered as less of a failure. Even die hard Republicans are saying he needs to go and disagreeing with his war strategy. I think the only people that support him are the ultra Christian conservatives that will support him no matter what, they just don't want gays to have any rights, which in my eyes is wrong for people that claim to be such strong believers in God. God would want everyone to be treated equal, the most "Christian followers" are usually the most hypocritical. As gross and as much as I don't want to watch two dudes make out the U.S. has much bigger problems.
The Christian conservatives are also so worried about Roe v. Wade. Abortions are here to say, sorry. I often thought abortions were wrong but I have started to change my mind. Take a look at people you see on a daily basis and think about how stupid their children would be...... yea thats what I thought, suck that fetus out of her nappy vagina and do society a favor. All the dumb 14 year old girls that let some trailer park king thats 27 fuck them and knock them up should get an abortion and die during the procedure to prevent this from occurring again. Men should be made to take a simple but yet effective test on their overall brain activity. The ones that fall below the C- level should be forced to have a Vasectomy to prevent a woman from bearing their child. This will save loads of money, I shit you not. Welfare would be back to normal and people with 7 kids by 5 men would not bleed a system to death, let alone even exist in this world. Jobs would be created in the Medical field. With the saved money in Welfare perhaps we could fix our own problems in America and not send a Billion dollars to a 3rd world country. Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Bono from U2, Martin Sheen, Charlie Sheen, Sheryl Crow, Tim Robbins, Sean Penn (sadly I like his acting), Michael Moore, Kayne West (lets face it he will never have another hit record like College dropout), Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and any other black leader that would council Michael Jackson and say how the white race is making up lies, should all be killed. I'm sick of hearing about how much help these other countries need, sick of uneducated people speaking out about politics, ie. Kayne West "George Bush doesn't care about black people" During no part of what he said did he even come close to expressing a rational thought, we are all less intelligent for hearing that and may God have mercy on your soul.
The End.
Detroit is poor because Michigan is poor. Our Democrats in office are fucking the working class worse than any Republican ever has including Ronald Regan who basically said fuck unions, Presidents of companies don't have to even listen to the union. What has Jennifer Granholm done for Michigan? What has Mayor Kwame Killpatrick done for Detroit? Kwame is just another nigger who the niggers love because he is a nigger that is doing a white mans job. Some may say well he brought the Super Bowl to Detroit, WRONG, Bill Ford brought the Super Bowl to Detroit because he is the largest buyer of commercial time during NFL games and his family owns the Detroit Lions. Politics is such a dirty game. I know everything you see on tv or in the movies is not accurate but when it comes to politics I believe about 95% of it. If your a builder and want a permit then you better give $50k to some councilman to get your license to build in a particular area. The license probably costs $500 so the other $49.5k goes to line the pockets of a Senator, Mayor, or building President.
Let's not forget how many Senators and Congressmen keep appearing in all these scandals. The Republican Senator of Idaho was just arrested for indecent conduct in an airport bathroom. I guess he was tapping his feet while on the crapper which is a sign that he wants to perform sexual acts with the person in the stall next to him. This is the same ultra conservative Republican that fights against gay rights and the joining of two men to become life partners, he has fought against gay spouses to get insurance through their partners insurance because marriage is a sacred commitment between a man and a woman. Here this 60 year old starch Republican is taking a shit and trying to suck a dick in the mens room. Some Mayor or some shit in Mass. that is Republican was caught posting ads on gay websites trying to find men to have sex with. Dick Cheney shot a man in the face and had the victim apologize lol. Democrat Ted Kennedy a long time Senator from Mass. killed a woman in a car accident while hammered and threw her body into the water while she was still alive and drove off back in the day, reports say the woman would have survived had he not done that. Ted Kennedy is still a Senator and has appeared in Star Magazines worst Summer body's for about a decade straight, often looking like a beached whale and coming closer to cardiac arrest with every step he makes on the warm sand.
Everyone's dirty in politics, democrats and republicans alike. Money for their campaigns is provided through PAC's so that when elected these politicians can fight for the rights of the PAC's that elected them. The National Riffle Association, Firefighters, oil companies, mining companies, auto industries, chemical companies, and tens of thousands of others all have PAC's. The NRA is of course donating to republicans, Firefighters and the auto industry are giving to democrats and so on and so on. Anyone can create a PAC by the way. You, me and Dupree could have one set up in a day.
George Bush has failed America. I will say I voted for him in the 2004 election. If you watched his speech at ground zero it was inspiring, moving, and emotional. He vowed to bring the terrorists to justice and that they will pay for trying to destroy the Western way of life. I like that. I want an Islamic fundamentalist dead, no questions, no trial, just death. Republicans are the type of people to make this happen, not Democrats. Well for a Republican he sure let me down, years later Bin Laden is still on the run, we have a ground war in Iraq, terrorists from Syria, Iran, Pakistan (who hates us the most) and Egypt all in parts of Iraq. It's the same story and I'm sick of it. If Bush wants anything to be remembered by during his legacy then he better capture and execute Bin Laden. That will make Americans feel like we got justice and maybe make him remembered as less of a failure. Even die hard Republicans are saying he needs to go and disagreeing with his war strategy. I think the only people that support him are the ultra Christian conservatives that will support him no matter what, they just don't want gays to have any rights, which in my eyes is wrong for people that claim to be such strong believers in God. God would want everyone to be treated equal, the most "Christian followers" are usually the most hypocritical. As gross and as much as I don't want to watch two dudes make out the U.S. has much bigger problems.
The Christian conservatives are also so worried about Roe v. Wade. Abortions are here to say, sorry. I often thought abortions were wrong but I have started to change my mind. Take a look at people you see on a daily basis and think about how stupid their children would be...... yea thats what I thought, suck that fetus out of her nappy vagina and do society a favor. All the dumb 14 year old girls that let some trailer park king thats 27 fuck them and knock them up should get an abortion and die during the procedure to prevent this from occurring again. Men should be made to take a simple but yet effective test on their overall brain activity. The ones that fall below the C- level should be forced to have a Vasectomy to prevent a woman from bearing their child. This will save loads of money, I shit you not. Welfare would be back to normal and people with 7 kids by 5 men would not bleed a system to death, let alone even exist in this world. Jobs would be created in the Medical field. With the saved money in Welfare perhaps we could fix our own problems in America and not send a Billion dollars to a 3rd world country. Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Bono from U2, Martin Sheen, Charlie Sheen, Sheryl Crow, Tim Robbins, Sean Penn (sadly I like his acting), Michael Moore, Kayne West (lets face it he will never have another hit record like College dropout), Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and any other black leader that would council Michael Jackson and say how the white race is making up lies, should all be killed. I'm sick of hearing about how much help these other countries need, sick of uneducated people speaking out about politics, ie. Kayne West "George Bush doesn't care about black people" During no part of what he said did he even come close to expressing a rational thought, we are all less intelligent for hearing that and may God have mercy on your soul.
The End.
Monday, August 27, 2007
A day from hell
Well I managed to basically skin half my arm while attempting to climb a tree that needs to be cut down in my backyard. I then am driving down I94 (just merged) when this woman (that is probably very successful at age 40) driving a Saturn Ion decides to not let me over, then shake her hands in some weird gesture I have never seen, slams on the brakes, and violently starts changing lanes 3 at a time and then back to where she was in what I can only assume was either an attempt to block me on the freeway or she was having an Epileptic Seizure. I had blood drawn last week for my Acutane so I had my appointment at 3pm today. I was very excited because I 1. haven't drank a drop of alcohol in months 2. have been working out and getting healthy 3. have been eating fairly decent. One would assume my liver enzymes would remain low, instead they increased by 200 and are now twice as high as they were at my heaviest drinking point. ???????????? I mean what the fuck. My dermatologist thinks it's the mixture of Acutane and working out. I have been working out usually 5 days a week, intense cardio for 25minutes then lifting, switching between back, legs, chest and arms.
He wrote me a prescription to continue on Acutane for another month. If my liver enzymes don't return down then he has to take me off of it (more than a fair deal). The bad part is I can't go to the gym anymore. He said I could do up to a fast walk on a treadmill. He described that I should be doing "casual exercising". He explicitly told me no weight lifting of any kind and no sit ups. To be honest I don't even want to do any walking because I'm scared my liver enzymes will increase. What if I worked construction, in a factory, or any other form of strenuous activity. I'm very bummed because I thought I was doing myself some good. I know prior to starting Acutane my hard workouts allowed me to start Acutane. From what he says Acutane is a very prissy drug. Certain things just make it go wild on the liver with some people.
As usual the nurse came in to do what is called "Acne Surgery". Basically they use a tool to pop certain zits that have a head on them and then push very hard to squeeze the dirt (whatever is inside, the white shit) out. For larger more inflamed areas they use a Cortisone injection. Now I have never been afraid of needles, scared to get blood drawn, etc. but they basically are sticking a needle into your face multiple times, in very sore areas to start with, that are located around the nose, lips, chin, etc. I counted the total shots today, 47 was the total. I honestly could have cried it hurt so much. Try getting a needle stuck within a millimeter of your lip about 8 times in 30 seconds. It was unbearable pair. Just sit and think about where a mans bread would grow and picture a needle entering the skin 47 times in inflamed areas. If you have never had bad acne then you can only try to relate. It's an embarrassing, painful, and demeaning disease. I'm sick of having it. From age 16 to present age 23 I have had bad acne. Some may say it's not bad but it isn't on their face, it's on mine and I have to be the one to walk around with it. I don't like it one bit. It makes certain things hard for me. At one time in my younger days I found it super embarrassing and was nervous around meeting new people, being around hot girls, etc. I have tried so many cremes and pills and now Acutane, the strongest of the healing medicine. I just pray I can continue for what my Dermatologist says would be a 5 month treatment, ending December 31, 2007. If for some reason my body just wasn't meant to handle Acutane I will pay whatever I can to get the best facial treatment my money can buy that isn't covered by insurance.
No working out basically means I can't even perform something as simple as cutting the lawn (more than 20 minutes of walking and sweating) to help my Dad out. The look of relief on his face after working 8 hours out in the heat is enough thanks. I can't even begin to imagine what working on those cold days (the ones where you let your car run for 20 minutes before you leave) and quick run as fast and safely as you can from the house to the car to avoid the cold are like.
I could give a flying fuck about the $120 I spent signing up for my gym membership. I was really getting into going everyday and looked forward to it as something to do and something to progress my body into the shape I want it. From June 25th to August 25th I lost 18lbs. I started at 203 and now weigh 185. I notice significant muscle growth in my arms, I notice my chest becoming tight, and my stomach slowly developing and losing a gut. I will of course try to eat decent to remain on Acutane but I'm fucking beyond pissed that I can't workout. I had planned on looking pretty damn good in January of 2008, instead I will just be getting back into lifting and that. I of course am not going to start eating bad but my improvements in my body will halt for several months which is depressing, no more fat will get burned, no more muscle to be built.
To cap off my bad day our central air ran out of Freon so went until 9pm with no air in the house. Thankfully the company came out and refilled it with Freon. We all like the house cold. We never open the doors or windows in the Summer. The heat is especially hard on Max who loves to lay by the air vents. Max also eats roughly 20 ice cubes a day, we call them cookies. When he comes in from outside we give him an ice cube rather than an actual cookie. He has lost 15lbs by eating frozen water and he seems to love it. For those wondering you put it in his open mouth like a cookie, he lays down, bites down on it, cracks it in half, eats half by biting really hard and crushing it, repeats with the other half, Ice Cookie is gone in under 30 seconds.
I'm just so depressed about today. Frustration leads to one getting mad and eventually being so mad one becomes depressed which I would have to say I'm currently feeling. My jaw must have hit the floor when he said how high my liver enzymes were. Here I am not drinking, eating good, and exercising hard, and now because I have been exerting myself physically I have not been doing anything good to remain on Acutane.
He wrote me a prescription to continue on Acutane for another month. If my liver enzymes don't return down then he has to take me off of it (more than a fair deal). The bad part is I can't go to the gym anymore. He said I could do up to a fast walk on a treadmill. He described that I should be doing "casual exercising". He explicitly told me no weight lifting of any kind and no sit ups. To be honest I don't even want to do any walking because I'm scared my liver enzymes will increase. What if I worked construction, in a factory, or any other form of strenuous activity. I'm very bummed because I thought I was doing myself some good. I know prior to starting Acutane my hard workouts allowed me to start Acutane. From what he says Acutane is a very prissy drug. Certain things just make it go wild on the liver with some people.
As usual the nurse came in to do what is called "Acne Surgery". Basically they use a tool to pop certain zits that have a head on them and then push very hard to squeeze the dirt (whatever is inside, the white shit) out. For larger more inflamed areas they use a Cortisone injection. Now I have never been afraid of needles, scared to get blood drawn, etc. but they basically are sticking a needle into your face multiple times, in very sore areas to start with, that are located around the nose, lips, chin, etc. I counted the total shots today, 47 was the total. I honestly could have cried it hurt so much. Try getting a needle stuck within a millimeter of your lip about 8 times in 30 seconds. It was unbearable pair. Just sit and think about where a mans bread would grow and picture a needle entering the skin 47 times in inflamed areas. If you have never had bad acne then you can only try to relate. It's an embarrassing, painful, and demeaning disease. I'm sick of having it. From age 16 to present age 23 I have had bad acne. Some may say it's not bad but it isn't on their face, it's on mine and I have to be the one to walk around with it. I don't like it one bit. It makes certain things hard for me. At one time in my younger days I found it super embarrassing and was nervous around meeting new people, being around hot girls, etc. I have tried so many cremes and pills and now Acutane, the strongest of the healing medicine. I just pray I can continue for what my Dermatologist says would be a 5 month treatment, ending December 31, 2007. If for some reason my body just wasn't meant to handle Acutane I will pay whatever I can to get the best facial treatment my money can buy that isn't covered by insurance.
No working out basically means I can't even perform something as simple as cutting the lawn (more than 20 minutes of walking and sweating) to help my Dad out. The look of relief on his face after working 8 hours out in the heat is enough thanks. I can't even begin to imagine what working on those cold days (the ones where you let your car run for 20 minutes before you leave) and quick run as fast and safely as you can from the house to the car to avoid the cold are like.
I could give a flying fuck about the $120 I spent signing up for my gym membership. I was really getting into going everyday and looked forward to it as something to do and something to progress my body into the shape I want it. From June 25th to August 25th I lost 18lbs. I started at 203 and now weigh 185. I notice significant muscle growth in my arms, I notice my chest becoming tight, and my stomach slowly developing and losing a gut. I will of course try to eat decent to remain on Acutane but I'm fucking beyond pissed that I can't workout. I had planned on looking pretty damn good in January of 2008, instead I will just be getting back into lifting and that. I of course am not going to start eating bad but my improvements in my body will halt for several months which is depressing, no more fat will get burned, no more muscle to be built.
To cap off my bad day our central air ran out of Freon so went until 9pm with no air in the house. Thankfully the company came out and refilled it with Freon. We all like the house cold. We never open the doors or windows in the Summer. The heat is especially hard on Max who loves to lay by the air vents. Max also eats roughly 20 ice cubes a day, we call them cookies. When he comes in from outside we give him an ice cube rather than an actual cookie. He has lost 15lbs by eating frozen water and he seems to love it. For those wondering you put it in his open mouth like a cookie, he lays down, bites down on it, cracks it in half, eats half by biting really hard and crushing it, repeats with the other half, Ice Cookie is gone in under 30 seconds.
I'm just so depressed about today. Frustration leads to one getting mad and eventually being so mad one becomes depressed which I would have to say I'm currently feeling. My jaw must have hit the floor when he said how high my liver enzymes were. Here I am not drinking, eating good, and exercising hard, and now because I have been exerting myself physically I have not been doing anything good to remain on Acutane.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
To cheer me up





I will post some random funny pictures I have saved from the different poker forums I browse. Tilted today but shut down quickly to prevent massive losses. I'm honestly considering getting some type of anger help (anger mgmt. is the only help I know of myself). My chat was just reinstated on Stars which was a bad idea. I blew up after someone (probably black) reported my Avatar which said "Slavery, get stuff done" I have no idea how PS didn't block this when I submitted it. I then wrote in marker my online alias on my old gfs. ass and submitted it and was instantly rejected so who knows how a racist comment like that got passed in the first place. I was just reading Brian Townsend's blog and he talked about how bad of tilt issues he used to have and how much hard work he did to control them. He admits that he tilts minor every few months but hasn't had a huge blow up in a long time. He mentioned how he was so upset he was open shoving J4o for $20,000 preflop (not a smart play at all) I need to get back to playing two hour sessions and taking a break for at least an hour then playing again regardless of how well I'm playing. I'm also reinstating my stop loss rule of 3 buy ins for a day. Sometimes you just need to avoid chasing losses. I of course need to just start playing better. I'm turning my observer and player chat off so I don't see others comments and I will not type any messages to others.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
What a day - week
Yes two posts in one day, obv. scroll down to read the other one. This one pertains to me. It's no secret I've been fucking some girls from hot or not for several months now. It's also no secret that The J has been sleeping with more women than any guy he knows the past say 1 year. I'm sure someone I know thats a friend of a friend or some shit might be banging more bitches but in people I know well, no 1 is on this type of a heater. So about 2 hours ago I check my email before starting a horrible poker session that I BLAME ON MY POOR PLAY ONLY. Some 36 year old bisexual hot milf wants to be added to my friends, I oblige and send her the basic reply I send to any other bitch that ones to bone me. This woman lives in Clinton Twp so I'm not going to post a pic on here because she could be the aunt or some shit of someone I know. Fast forward to 5 minutes ago, I check email again, she replies with "my gf and I both think your really cute and want to play with you. Message me back if your interested." Friends of mine are welcome to see a pic of the milf but I don't want to post it on here. Right now I'm giving the 2 thumbs up Fonzi look. This would be so much better of this was the hot Aunt of someone I really hate lol. Obv. I'm gonna bang these chicks. Threesomes are hard work for a guy so I'm gonna be drinking a lot of vitamins (Sugar Free Tang). To find a few random sluts to have a threesome is not very hard, although I know some kids that think they are players and cool that have gone years without feeling the inside of a vagina. To have two milf bisexual women find you and want you to fuck them, well folks thats simply not very common. I honestly do live a life you could write a book on, ohh wait I'm already doing that.
Wow are the poker rumors getting out
First, in the most bizarre rumor involving Phil Laak and some form of a Heroin deal gone bad and him getting screwed out of money by some tourney director. I really don't even know how to comment on this situation.
Next is Jennifer Leigh aka Jennicide who is a fairly high stakes limit hold em pro that is now going to pose in Playboy magazine. This is not a rumor anymore and is true. Jennicide is often featured in multiple magazines because of her average looks and because she plays poker. She has NO MAJOR TOURNEY CASHES IN THE 10K BUY IN EVENTS. To the best of my knowledge she plays up to 100/200 online and is of course backed in the major events. She is best known for dating and learning limit from high stakes then boyfriend John D'Agastino. After him she was linked to some turd that won a a tournament and gets mad credit for it, Brandon Cantu. Finally she dated online high stakes limit hold em heads up specialist Dustin "Neverwin" Woolfe. According to multiple sources Neverwin is beyond broke, hundreds of K's in debt, and has a very bad Oxycotin addiction. I have played with Jennicide at 30/60 back in my limit days and think she is a decent winning player. She wasn't the best but not the worst by any means. Not many glaring soft spots but I'm stunned by her fame for playing games I'm bankrolled for and have played (along with a decent amount of others, probably with a better win rate).
The newest rumor today is that high stakes NL hold em player "H@llingol" has committed suicide after losing hundreds of thousands of his bankroll and eventually going bust online playing the 25/50 NL. games on Stars. Others are saying he plays on Stars still under the alias "66Lemieux66". It's no big secret H@llingol has been on a downswing for a long while. For years he was a substantial winner in the big NL. games. The player 66Lemieux66 has been seen playing multiple tables of 25/50nl on stars so who knows? Others are saying it's true since Poker Stars fixed a problem in their software that allowed one to re-buy when all in whether one wins or loses, the advantage to this is to get more than the maximum buy in $5,000 at the table and to play deep stacked against other deep stacks, this strategy will create massive swings though.
In true news Poker Stars has been cracking down big time on people that have multiple accounts. Mark Newhouse aka "Newhizzle" is rumored to be behind this as Neverwin (mentioned above) has multiple aliases to play under. Mark Newhouse former friend and now debt collector in the sum of 100k from Neverwin has been emailing Stars about the multiple accounts. This fuck face that is too much of a pussy to go beat the fuck out of a person for his 100k is creating a shit storm for other players with multiple accounts that have done nothing to either of the pussies mentioned above. I was very smart and of course have another alias under my Grandmas name. I simply transfer money from my real account to hers and its untouchable. The main purpose of this is to change identities so others can't get a read on how you play. It's also very good to use after beating someone heads up and they quit, I can log out, log in under a new name, play this person and they think it's someone new. All the information is correct on my Grandmas account, she has Epassporte, and this is legit. However, I mostly just use her account for heads up action as I feel the players are so weak at 6max that I don't really need a new identity to beat them.
Next is Jennifer Leigh aka Jennicide who is a fairly high stakes limit hold em pro that is now going to pose in Playboy magazine. This is not a rumor anymore and is true. Jennicide is often featured in multiple magazines because of her average looks and because she plays poker. She has NO MAJOR TOURNEY CASHES IN THE 10K BUY IN EVENTS. To the best of my knowledge she plays up to 100/200 online and is of course backed in the major events. She is best known for dating and learning limit from high stakes then boyfriend John D'Agastino. After him she was linked to some turd that won a a tournament and gets mad credit for it, Brandon Cantu. Finally she dated online high stakes limit hold em heads up specialist Dustin "Neverwin" Woolfe. According to multiple sources Neverwin is beyond broke, hundreds of K's in debt, and has a very bad Oxycotin addiction. I have played with Jennicide at 30/60 back in my limit days and think she is a decent winning player. She wasn't the best but not the worst by any means. Not many glaring soft spots but I'm stunned by her fame for playing games I'm bankrolled for and have played (along with a decent amount of others, probably with a better win rate).
The newest rumor today is that high stakes NL hold em player "H@llingol" has committed suicide after losing hundreds of thousands of his bankroll and eventually going bust online playing the 25/50 NL. games on Stars. Others are saying he plays on Stars still under the alias "66Lemieux66". It's no big secret H@llingol has been on a downswing for a long while. For years he was a substantial winner in the big NL. games. The player 66Lemieux66 has been seen playing multiple tables of 25/50nl on stars so who knows? Others are saying it's true since Poker Stars fixed a problem in their software that allowed one to re-buy when all in whether one wins or loses, the advantage to this is to get more than the maximum buy in $5,000 at the table and to play deep stacked against other deep stacks, this strategy will create massive swings though.
In true news Poker Stars has been cracking down big time on people that have multiple accounts. Mark Newhouse aka "Newhizzle" is rumored to be behind this as Neverwin (mentioned above) has multiple aliases to play under. Mark Newhouse former friend and now debt collector in the sum of 100k from Neverwin has been emailing Stars about the multiple accounts. This fuck face that is too much of a pussy to go beat the fuck out of a person for his 100k is creating a shit storm for other players with multiple accounts that have done nothing to either of the pussies mentioned above. I was very smart and of course have another alias under my Grandmas name. I simply transfer money from my real account to hers and its untouchable. The main purpose of this is to change identities so others can't get a read on how you play. It's also very good to use after beating someone heads up and they quit, I can log out, log in under a new name, play this person and they think it's someone new. All the information is correct on my Grandmas account, she has Epassporte, and this is legit. However, I mostly just use her account for heads up action as I feel the players are so weak at 6max that I don't really need a new identity to beat them.
Monday, August 20, 2007
I'm on day 21 of Acutane and I don't notice much difference in mood or appearance. At times I think my face looks better and hours later I will think it looks much worse. I know in time it will look awesome. I went and had my blood taken in regards to the Acutane so now I'm just praying my liver enzymes are low so I can continue. I ate really bland yesterday, drank a lot of water, sounds like I'm preparing to drop piss for a drug test not remain on acne treatment.
I've been going to the gym about 4 or 5 days a week and usually rollerblade or bike everyday.
I have been taking photos every month on the 25th (shirtless, calm down ladies) to see the progress. A scale can only tell so much. I personally don't care what I weigh as long as I look good.
Monday- chest and arms and elliptical machine
Tuesday- legs and elliptical machine
Wednesday- back and elliptical machine
Thursday- no gym
Friday- chest and arms and elliptical machine
I'm getting hooked on lifting weights and going to the gym. After my Acutane treatment is over in Jan. I plan to drink a lot of protein shakes (110 grams+ per day of protein). For now I'm still lifting but not eating tons of protein because it raises liver enzymes and then I would have to quit Acutane. Sure I'm building some muscle by lifting now but nothing like I will in Jan. and beyond. I'm losing some of my fat and gaining some muscle. In the winter is when I plan to bulk up if you will and really do some heavy lifting with ingesting tons of protein (which builds muscle). I will probably end up posting some pictures on here of my progress although the pictures are hard to look at. I just need to look at the big picture and realize I'm improving. After I weigh in and get my picture taken August 25th I will post some pictures and the weight changes between them.
I've been going to the gym about 4 or 5 days a week and usually rollerblade or bike everyday.
I have been taking photos every month on the 25th (shirtless, calm down ladies) to see the progress. A scale can only tell so much. I personally don't care what I weigh as long as I look good.
Monday- chest and arms and elliptical machine
Tuesday- legs and elliptical machine
Wednesday- back and elliptical machine
Thursday- no gym
Friday- chest and arms and elliptical machine
I'm getting hooked on lifting weights and going to the gym. After my Acutane treatment is over in Jan. I plan to drink a lot of protein shakes (110 grams+ per day of protein). For now I'm still lifting but not eating tons of protein because it raises liver enzymes and then I would have to quit Acutane. Sure I'm building some muscle by lifting now but nothing like I will in Jan. and beyond. I'm losing some of my fat and gaining some muscle. In the winter is when I plan to bulk up if you will and really do some heavy lifting with ingesting tons of protein (which builds muscle). I will probably end up posting some pictures on here of my progress although the pictures are hard to look at. I just need to look at the big picture and realize I'm improving. After I weigh in and get my picture taken August 25th I will post some pictures and the weight changes between them.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Lost 3 coin flips today, 1 for $473.35, 1 for 452.75, and the last one for 588.90, lost with QQ vs AA in a pot for 405.00, I worked for 2 hours and this was it. My throat is feeling sore which means I'm either tired or contracted a disease whoring my body out. Still doing good with working out and still remembering my Acutane. I went bowling and did bad tonight but still managed to beat Lindsy (no I'm not forgetting an A or E). I bowled a 111 and 130. She has no chance to date me but we can have some fun fooling around for a while. She sells pot too which is odd to me. Yes, I already know what your thinking, where does Davey find these bitches. If your not in it for the pussy then get out the game. I'm not looking to buy some fucking cat, put a fence up, slip a ring on a finger, and do all that retarded shit. I don't know what else to say, I'm in kinda a funk.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
I had ESPN 2 on last night while I was playing poker. Barry Bonds hit home run 756 thus breaking the record held for decades by Hank Aaron of 755 home runs. I personally feel that the all time career home run record and the all time leading goal scorer in Hockey are the most prestigious records in sports. There is no doubt Barry Bonds used steroids, knowingly or not knowingly, whatever he used clear and cream. Mark McGwire used steroids to break Roger Maris single season home run record. Raphael Palmeiro lied in a Grand Jury Testimony that he didn't use steroids, 2 months later he tested positive for steroids. Jason Giambi and Gary Sheffield also admitted using steroids. Jose Canseco wrote a book outing other players for using steroids and how he personally took steroids and introduced them to other teammates such as Ivan "Pudge" Rodriguez, Juan Gonzalez, and Mark McGwire. I'm sick of Barry Bonds being labeled as the only player to ever use steroids. At the time Ivan "Pudge" Rodriguez, Jose Canseco, and Juan Gonzalez all played for the Texas Rangers, the team was owned by now President Of The United States George Bush, I find this funny considering his speech telling athletes to be role models for todays youth and not to do steroids and protect the purity of the game.
Since it's so cool to be a Detroit Tigers fan I thought I would just mention that once a stiffer drug testing policy was introduced to Baseball Ivan "Pudge" Rodriguez showed up nearly 30 pounds lighter to spring training, interesting how this could happen. Gary Sheffield also admitted to using steroids (clear and cream) but doesn't consider clear and cream a steroid because steroids you "shoot them in your butt". So since you probably ride the Tigers cock you really have no room to hate on Barry Lamar Bonds.
What upsets me is that because of steroids there is tons of controversy surrounding this record. The only person to blame is major league baseball and their horrible steroid testing, it's a joke. If baseball didn't want to face this awkward situation that is presently occurring then they should have taken action a long time ago and enforced very strict testing (test every player, every month) from the star of the team to the last player with an irrelevant number and no name. What would be the harm in this, all I see is the benefits.
You can hate Barry Bonds because he was a compulsive cheater on his wife. You can hate him because of how cheap he is. You can hate him because he cheated on his taxes. You can't blame him for taking steroids, blame baseballs front office and the piss poor drug testing policy. Hundreds of players used steroids now quit picking on Barry Bonds. At one time baseball was getting horrible ratings, similar to hockey ratings the past 3 years. Guess what brought baseball ratings back up to a respectable level, steroids. When Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa were both chasing Roger Maris single season home run record the American public regained interest and were mesmerized by the power of these two sluggers.
Since it's so cool to be a Detroit Tigers fan I thought I would just mention that once a stiffer drug testing policy was introduced to Baseball Ivan "Pudge" Rodriguez showed up nearly 30 pounds lighter to spring training, interesting how this could happen. Gary Sheffield also admitted to using steroids (clear and cream) but doesn't consider clear and cream a steroid because steroids you "shoot them in your butt". So since you probably ride the Tigers cock you really have no room to hate on Barry Lamar Bonds.
What upsets me is that because of steroids there is tons of controversy surrounding this record. The only person to blame is major league baseball and their horrible steroid testing, it's a joke. If baseball didn't want to face this awkward situation that is presently occurring then they should have taken action a long time ago and enforced very strict testing (test every player, every month) from the star of the team to the last player with an irrelevant number and no name. What would be the harm in this, all I see is the benefits.
You can hate Barry Bonds because he was a compulsive cheater on his wife. You can hate him because of how cheap he is. You can hate him because he cheated on his taxes. You can't blame him for taking steroids, blame baseballs front office and the piss poor drug testing policy. Hundreds of players used steroids now quit picking on Barry Bonds. At one time baseball was getting horrible ratings, similar to hockey ratings the past 3 years. Guess what brought baseball ratings back up to a respectable level, steroids. When Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa were both chasing Roger Maris single season home run record the American public regained interest and were mesmerized by the power of these two sluggers.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
I blame it all on Hollywood
Love that is. Fads seem to migrate for Hollywood to suburbs around the country in a matter of weeks. While I am trying to fuck as many girls as possible (cute ones) everyone else is ready to get married and in "love". Words can't even begin to explain the nausea I feel over that word. Everyone is in "love" and all giggly, similar to a 7th grade girl dancing with a cute boy at a dance in the school lunchroom. After testing out 28 different vagina's in my life I'm yet to find the perfect one. A goal of mine is to sleep with 12 more women before my 24th birthday, bringing my total to 40. I also find it humorous when people don't know how many people they have slept with. I guess if you are in the 100's it could become tricky. Now let me role play and be Dr. Phil.
Why do all these people in love end up unhappy and possibly separated? The answer is quite simple: Everyone gets tired of a particular person in their life, it's natural. Everyone has learned their own ways of doing things and behaving. The second reason is also quite simple: People are attracted to other people. If any guys or gals reading this that are in "love" can say they have never checked a guy/girl out while being in "love"they are simply fibbing. After a long period of feeling the frustration of not being able to act on your natural impulse with that particular person stress builds and ultimately the relationship will struggle. I'm nothing but happy for people that are happy. If being in love puts a smile on your face then I'm happy for you.
I don't want a girlfriend. The new term to describe my female companions is "lady friend". It's becoming quite catchy and I actually get a kick out of it myself. Remember about 6 months ago when getting engaged was the hip Hollywood thing? Paris Hilton was engaged to Paris Latsis or whatever, then engaged to Mary Kates ex boyfriend and Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes got engaged and Nikki Hilton got engaged and I believe married to that 40 year old guy. It trickles down to everyday people. The new Hollywood craze is getting knocked up, maybe in a few months everybody will be knocking up chicks. I guess I just don't understand the whole I'm in love thing. I have never been in love, said I was in love, or anything like that. Maybe I lack something in my mind to have such strong feelings for another person?
I started Acutane on Wednesday and also joined a gym (Fitness 19). I overdid it big time. I just rode the bike today for 35 minutes then bladed 5 miles in the sub. My main interest at the gym is to lift but when my arms hurt to wipe my ass and masturbating hurts my arms I can't lift. Monday I will probably start up lifting again. In 5 months I will be a new Davey J with a clear face and the start of getting ripped. It's hard to even picture myself with clear skin although I can't wait to find out. I hope my liver enzymes don't increase and I can just keep taking this shit and get it done with. I also hope my major breakout occurs before school starts. Poker has been going well and life is good.
Why do all these people in love end up unhappy and possibly separated? The answer is quite simple: Everyone gets tired of a particular person in their life, it's natural. Everyone has learned their own ways of doing things and behaving. The second reason is also quite simple: People are attracted to other people. If any guys or gals reading this that are in "love" can say they have never checked a guy/girl out while being in "love"they are simply fibbing. After a long period of feeling the frustration of not being able to act on your natural impulse with that particular person stress builds and ultimately the relationship will struggle. I'm nothing but happy for people that are happy. If being in love puts a smile on your face then I'm happy for you.
I don't want a girlfriend. The new term to describe my female companions is "lady friend". It's becoming quite catchy and I actually get a kick out of it myself. Remember about 6 months ago when getting engaged was the hip Hollywood thing? Paris Hilton was engaged to Paris Latsis or whatever, then engaged to Mary Kates ex boyfriend and Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes got engaged and Nikki Hilton got engaged and I believe married to that 40 year old guy. It trickles down to everyday people. The new Hollywood craze is getting knocked up, maybe in a few months everybody will be knocking up chicks. I guess I just don't understand the whole I'm in love thing. I have never been in love, said I was in love, or anything like that. Maybe I lack something in my mind to have such strong feelings for another person?
I started Acutane on Wednesday and also joined a gym (Fitness 19). I overdid it big time. I just rode the bike today for 35 minutes then bladed 5 miles in the sub. My main interest at the gym is to lift but when my arms hurt to wipe my ass and masturbating hurts my arms I can't lift. Monday I will probably start up lifting again. In 5 months I will be a new Davey J with a clear face and the start of getting ripped. It's hard to even picture myself with clear skin although I can't wait to find out. I hope my liver enzymes don't increase and I can just keep taking this shit and get it done with. I also hope my major breakout occurs before school starts. Poker has been going well and life is good.
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