I murdered the heads up games again today. I went down 3 buy ins (1800) to start then ended up winning it all back +5.5 buy ins (1500). I'm running at 14.4ptbb/hr or $172.80/hr. I have had some 8 buy in swings so I don't think it's just running good.
0-3 ptbb/hr= marginal winner
4-7ptbb/hr= good winning player
7-10ptbb/hr= one of the best at that level
Davey J runs at 14.4ptbb/hr so I guess you can just say I'm simply the best. Through 9,000 hands I'm running beyond awesome.
I want to start playing 5/10 and 10/20nl but due to previous bad decisions in those games I want a proper bankroll (more than I care to make public).
A lot of douches I have been playing seem to think I'm horrible (must be angry people and failures at life). Today I was playing a person that was the most aggressive I have ever seen. I adapted my strategy (no real set way to play heads up except to do the opposite of your opponent). I made a sick sick call for like $500 more on the flop with J8 on a 893 board and busted him. He put me all in on another hand preflop (I called with 88 because I figured I was 3-1 to win) he had A3 and hit an A on the turn and river (nice hand sir). I busted him pretty bad and I think maybe busted his account (won all the money he had in his account).
I have been wanting to buy a new watch for a few months now. I broke my old watch (only about $250) on Super Bowl Sunday. I don't want some cheap watch but rather a particular Breitling that costs $5,000. I'm not going to buy it but I do love it. When the time comes I would like to put 50% down on my first house or condo or whatever. The only reason I'm not in an apartment is noisy neighbors, cooking and cleaning, and being lonely. It's enjoyable for me to spend time with my parents and Max. If I moved out (even though I would still visit often) I think Max would be so sad. We spend so much time together and I love him so I wouldn't want to be away from him and I know he would feel confused and lonesome without me around. Max is my dog for the uninformed. I don't ever really clean anything around the house. I sometimes cut the grass for my Dad but he's anal about it and usually does it before I even think it needs to be cut. I don't do my laundry, dust, vacuum, dishes. The most I do is put my clothes away and dust my room. Since I work from my computer at home I would be spending most of my day by myself in an apartment, I would find this depressing before long. I also have a schedule opposite of most so noise would be an issue in an apartment, I don't like the idea of parking my car in a parking lot,
I have considered moving out of state and living in a poker house. Basically like 5 people move into a really sweet house, like a 400k house around this area. The downside would be wondering how people would handle downswings (I personally prefer to be left alone, I don't even really care to talk to people, even close friends, and generally feel depressed). The major benefit would be learning from others in the house at poker. I say learn because everyone plays different and one could gain an understanding on other styles, games, etc. Again, I don't want to leave Max so this is out. These people could be raging animals despite acting normal in posts online.
I wouldn't want to move in with some girl I was dating for my first moving out experience. If she wanted to sleep over a few nights a week that would be fine and kill some of the bordem of being by myself. But why just date one girl? The majority of people I know seem unhappy. I'm generally happy because I get new pussy every couple weeks and still fuck old pussy. I don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about.
I almost shit myself last night, took a massive, foul, wretched shit last night. I got home at 2:30am and proceeded to shit and vomit until about 7am. I feel asleep about 8am and missed my Math quiz today (not a super big deal but still sucks to lose the points). I'm blaming either Nathans Hot Dogs or Vitamin water. It was like food poisoning or something. I threw up like every half hour. My stomach is still sore (the muscles) from vomiting for hours. After my massive shit at the bowling alley I felt better, then after an hour felt like death. I should have walked down a lane and took my massive dump their. Imagine telling a friend, co-worker, bf, gf, etc. that some kid took a shit in a lane at the bowling alley.